Chapter 5-Dappleblaze

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Dappleblaze stalked forward, setting her paws down carefully. The few fallen leaves crunched under her paws and she froze, hoping the mouse hadn't heard. As the small gray creature kept nibbling on a tiny berry, clutching it in its tiny hands, Dappleblaze jumped, her large paws landing on the small mouse. She quickly gave it a killing bite and took it in her mouth, collecting  her other prey while heading back to camp.

After dropping them on the fresh-kill pile, Dappleblaze picked a pigeon and began to eat, in a far corner of camp, away from everyone else. As she dug into the juicy bird flesh, she spotted Dustpaw, Brookpaw and their mentors returning to camp after a training session. Dustpaw seemed to be boasting about his sister's defeat. 

"Ivytooth! Ivytooth! I beat Brookpaw! You should have seen her! She was flailing under me! I was awesome!" Dustpaw called out as his sister glared angrily at him. 

"If you keep bragging like that, I don't think any cat will care it you beat another." Mudgaze remarked, amused. 

"Dustpaw, sweetie, I'm very proud of you but, please don't brag. There's really no need." Ivytooth stepped out of the warriors den, disapproval displayed on her face. 

"Hmph. I'll beat you next time!" Brookpaw huffed madly. 

"Good luck with that!" Dustpaw replied, rolling his eyes then padding over to Dappleblaze. 

"I was amazing! You should have seen it!" Dustpaw puffed out his chest in pride as Dappleblaze continued with her pigeon. 

"Uh-huh." Dappleblaze nodded as she ate, not really listening. 

"Dappleblaze?" Dustpaw asked, concerned and Dappleblaze's head jerked up. She had been so lost in her own thoughts, she hadn't noticed him ask her something. 

"Oh, sorry. What was that?" Dappleblaze asked quickly. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me?" Dustpaw shifted his paws shyly. 

"Sure." Dappleblaze shrugged; she needed something to do.

As the cats made their way through the forest in silence, Dappleblaze asked slowly, "So, um, was there something you wanted to talk about?" 

"Nothing in particular. But, what do you think my warrior name will be?" Dustpaw asked excitedly. 

"I don't know. Dustclaw would suit you." Dappleblaze replied thoughtfully. 

"Yeah! That would be perfect!" The young apprentice jumped up and down with excitement. Dappleblaze snorted at his eagerness to become a warrior then said, "You know your assessment is coming up, right?" 

"Oh no! I almost forgot about that! Can we go back to camp now? I need to ask Mudgaze if he'll train me so more in hunting!" Dappleblaze nodded with amusement and followed the feisty tom back to camp. 


"Ravenshade, is Brookpaw ready to become a warrior?" Graystar asked the light brown she cat's mentor. 

"Without doubt!" Ravenshade answered earnestly. 

"Then, Brookpaw, from now on you will be known as Brookstream. BranchClan honors your courage and kind heart." Brookstream's brother Dustpaw stepped forward, after waiting patiently. 

"Mudgaze? Is Dustpaw ready to become a warrior?" 

"Of course!" Mudgaze responded with a nod. 

"Then Dustpaw, you will be known as Dustclaw from now on." Dustclaw looked at Dappleblaze with shock; Graystar had chose the name she thought would be good for him. Dappleblaze herself was just as much surprised. She shrugged at the tom. He stepped back from the leader and Ivytooth surrounded her children. Their father may have been a rogue but, they were well-respected warriors of BranchClan now. 

"Dappleblaze? Can I ask you something?" Dustclaw walked towards her. 

"Sure. Let's go for a walk." Dappleblaze led him into the forest. 

"So what was it you wanted to ask me?" She asked, sitting down with her tail over her paws. 

"I was-I was wondering if you'd like to be my mate." Dustclaw blurted out then looked away shamefully. 

Dappleblaze was in shock for a few heartbeats before replying "Of course! I thought you'd never ask!" Dappleblaze breathed in his musky scent as the taller tom moved around her. 

"I love you Dappleblaze." 

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