Updated Allegiances

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Leader: Graystar-gray she-cat with white underbelly, muzzle and in between her yellow eyes. 

Mate is Gullclaw. Sister is Blueblaze. 

Deputy: Flamepoppy-stocky, orange tabby she-cat with olive eyes.

Brother is Tigersplash. Sister is Amberdawn.

Medicine Cat: Blueblaze-blue-gray she-cat with dark blue eyes.

Sister is Graystar.


Spottedtail-lean, thin, orangish she-cat with leopard-like rosettes and pale green eyes.

Mate is Rapidstripe. Kit is Mousefoot. Sister is Mossyfall.

Amberdawn-dark gray she-cat with amber eyes.

Mate is Ravenshade. Sister is Flamepoppy. Brother is Tigersplash.

Mossyfall-dark brown she-cat with bright green eyes.

Mate is Mudgaze. Kit is Duskfur. Sister is Spottedtail.

Gullclaw-black tom with long claws and blue eyes.

Mate is Graystar.

Tigersplash-black tom with white stripes and yellow eyes.

Mate is Skyfern. Kits are Dapplekit, Ashkit, Gingerkit and Briarkit. Sisters are Amberdawn and Flamepoppy.

Rapidstripe-white tom with long white tail and red eyes.

Mate is Spottedtail. Kit is Mousepaw.

Ravenshade-black tom with black eyes.

Apprentice: Brookpaw

Mate is Amberdawn.

Mudgaze-dark brown tom with yellow eyes.

Apprentice: Dustpaw. 

Mate is Mossyfall. Kit is Duskpaw.

Duskfur-dark brown she-cat with yellow eyes.

Mother is Mossyfall. Father is Mudgaze. Mate is Mousefoot. 

Mousefoot-light brown tom with yellow eyes.

Mother is Spottedtail. Father is Rapidstripe. Mate is Duskfur. 

Ivytooth-light brown she-cat with black stripes and orange eyes.

Kits are Brookpaw and Dustpaw. Mate was a rogue. 

Skyfern-light, light gray she-cat, almost white, with cobalt blue eyes.

Mate is Tigersplash. Kits are Dappleblaze, Ashflame, Gingerwish and Briarpoppy.

Dappleblaze-dappled tortoiseshell she-cat with pale green eyes.

Mother is Skyfern. Father is Tigersplash. Sisters are Ashflame, Gingerwish and Briarpoppy.

Ashflame-fluffy white she-cat with darker flecks and gray eyes.

Mother is Skyfern. Father is Tigersplash. Sisters are Dappleblaze, Gingerwish and Briarpoppy.

Gingerwish-ginger tabby she-cat with dark gray eyes.

Mother is Skyfern. Father is Tigersplash. Sisters are Dappleblaze, Ashflame and Briarpoppy.

Briarpoppy-chocolate brown she-cat with golden eyes.

Mother is Skyfern. Father is Tigersplash. Sisters are Dappleblaze, Ashflame and Gingerwish.

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