Chapter 3-Dapplepaw

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Dapplepaw stalked forward, setting each paw down carefully. The mouse was still nibbling on the berries a few pawsteps away. Dapplepaw crouched down and pounced quickly. Her paws met her mark and she quickly gave a killing bite to the neck. 

"Good catch, I suppose." Tigersplash rolled his eyes, muttering. 

"What's wrong, Tigersplash? Didn't you like my hunting technique?" Dapplepaw asked, confused. 

"It's fine. I just don't want to admit it." Tigersplash added under his breath, his eyes narrowed in anger. 

"Come on! Let's get back to camp. Bring back what you caught. I'll get my pigeon." Tigersplash disappeared into the trees. 

"All by myself? That's too much to carry. You could carry something!" But Tigersplash had already gone. Sighing, Dapplepaw grabbed her blackbird, mouse and three squirrels. She made her way back to camp, wondering where Tigersplash could be. Just as she entered camp, Tigersplash appeared, but without his pigeon. 

"Where's your pigeon?" Dapplepaw asked, puzzled. 

"What? Oh, I left it back there. You caught enough for a few cats. We can leave that for other animals." Tigersplash was quick to drop the subject, walking to Skyfern instead. 

Well, that was odd. Dapplepaw thought to herself. Weren't they supposed to bring back whatever they caught? She shrugged. It wasn't a big deal. Instead she picked out a squirrel from the fresh-kill pile then padded to a shaded corner of camp. Brookkit and Dustkit came running out of the nursery, running to her. 

"Dapplepaw! Dapplepaw! What's it like being an apprentice?" They bounced around her, jumping up and down. 

"Calm down, kits! You'll find out for yourself when you become apprentices!" 

"But that's in three moons!" Brookkit squeaked. 

"Go to Ivytooth. I don't have time for kits. I have to get some sleep before tomorrow. Tigersplash is taking me battle training." Dapplepaw finished her squirrel and walked into the apprentices' den, Brookkit and Dustkit running back into the nursery. 

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