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That night, while Betty and Meihana were watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, the Black Hood struck again, at Lover's Lane. The next morning when Meihana woke up, she decided to go back home. Betty was still fast asleep, so she left a note on Betty's drawer and went on her merry way to her home across the street. When she got home, Fred was still asleep, while Archie was getting ready to go to football practice. She said her good mornings to Archie, before heading upstairs to her room to get ready for the school day.

After a nice hot shower, Meihana got changed and went back downstairs to eat some breakfast. As she got to the kitchen she saw Fred standing at the counter, with a coffee in hand. "Morning Fred." Meihana greeted, as she walked to the cupboards to grab the cereal and a bowl. "Morning Mace." Fred replied, as he handed her a spoon from the drawer for her. "Thanks," Meihana said. "So, how have things been for you at school Mace?" Fred asked as he glanced towards the girl. He laughed as he saw that she had stuffed her mouth with cereal, while holding two thumbs up. He ceased his laughter and nodded at the girl.

"Great. Now how is Archie doing?" He questioned, as he gave her that very fatherly look. Swallowing her food, she let out a sigh, "to be honest Fred, I'm not entirely sure. After what happened to you and Ms Grundy, Arch has been on edge lately," she said looking down at her bowl, "and to be quite frank, I'm a bit scared. That Black Hood fulla, has us all on edge."

Fred looked at the girl, the girl he considered as a daughter, with a sympathetic look. "You know Mace, I can send you home if you want. If you feel like this place isn't safe enough." Fred said. Meihana looked up at Fred, her eyes slightly widened as she looked at him in shock, "what? No. I'm not leaving. Just because I'm a little scared, doesn't mean I want to leave. Besides you guys are family to me and I'm not abandoning any of you." She stated, as her eyebrows furrowed in sadness.

Fred walked to her side of the counter and pulled the girl into a tight hug. Meihana hugged back. "Mace, I'm sorry. I only said that because I want you safe. I don't want that lunatic coming after you or Archie for that matter." Fred softly told her as he pulled away from the hug. "That's ok Fred. I understand. But next time you say something like that, I'm gonna punch you." Meihana said as she pointed a finger at him. "Yeah whatever. I think it's time for you to get to school." Fred said as he began to push her of her chair.

"Hey wait, I wasn't finished eating," she whined, Fred just laughed and kept pushing her to the door. Once she was out of the house Fred chucked her, her bag and shut the door. Not before yelling out 'bye have a good day at school!' Sighing she tossed her bag over her shoulder and started walking towards Riverdale High.

Sitting in the student lounge, Meihana and some others were listening to Kevin relaying what had happened to Moose and Midge last night. "It was full-on Carrie. Midge covered in Moose's blood, screaming like a banshee. It was insane."  He said. "Kev, what were you even doing there?" Archie asked as he walked into the student lounge. Meihana looked at the Keller boy as he seemed to hesitate, "I was night-jogging, you know, as one does, " Meihana saw Betty's face contort with confusion, "and suddenly, I hear gunshots."

Sitting down, Archie spoke, "can we agree there's a serial killer on the loose?", "with terrible aim," Jughead intercepted, Meihana snorted at the comment. "Jughead, he murdered Mrs Grundy," Archie argued. "Arch," Betty began, "we don't know that these three crimes are related," she finished. Inside, Meihana felt really uneasy about this whole thing. "Guys, can we focus on what matters here?" Veronica asked forcefully, "Midge and Moose are alive. Archie's dad survived."

Meihana lost interest in the conversation and decided to leave, not caring about the voices calling after her. She went straight to the music room because she needed to get the doom and gloom feeling off of her mind. Singing was her escape from the world and the shit-storm that happens to be people. Once she got to the music room, she tossed her bag aside and plugged in her phone and hooked up a mic. After choosing a song, she let out a breathe and let loose. Singing a song that always calmed her, Sink or Swim by Maisey Rika (a female Māori artist).

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