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Once Meihana and Archie finally returned home, Meihana went straight to the kitchen to get some food. The whole time they were walking home, Meihana didn't say a word to Archie. After eating she went to bed, still not saying a single word to Archie. That night Meihana slept restlessly for the fact that her 'brother' had in his possession a gun and that he was stupid enough to get one after Fred had told him not to and she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Waking up the next morning, Meihana got ready for school, still ignoring Archie after last nights events. After showering and getting changed, (into outfit at the top), she ate breakfast, said her goodbyes to Fred and walked her way to school. While walking to school she decided to text Betty to see if they had found anything out about the code, the Black Hood had left. After getting no reply from the blonde, Meihana sighed and just carried on with her walk to school. Suddenly her phone started ringing. Grabbing the phone out of her pocket, not bothering to check the ID she answered.

"Hello?" She said. "Hey sweetheart." Said the caller. "Hi Skyscraper," she sighed. "Listen about last night, I wanted to thank you for standing up for us," he said gratefully. "No problem Sweets. Red isn't exactly in the right frame of mind at the moment. But what he did was inexcusable so I'm not gonna hold you guys back if you wanna beat the shit out of him. Hopefully that'll knock some sense into that brain of his." She ranted, on the other end she her Sweet Pea laughing.

"Oh we will princess," he said. Meihana cracked a smile, knowing that he would be smirking as he said that. "Well, nice chatting with you skyscraper, but I gotta go. I just got to school and people are staring at me, because I look kind of shady whispering into my phone. See yah later, Sweets," Meihana said, Sweet Pea bid his farewells as she hung up the phone.

Walking to her locker she opened it and grabbed our the books that she needed for the day. As she shut her locker, she got a fright as she saw that Veronica was standing behind it with a knowing smirk on her face. Rolling her eyes Meihana started to walk away, but the Latina quickly caught up to her. "So. Who was that you were talking to on the phone?" Veronica questioned, wiggling her eyebrows at the Māori girl. Meihana laughed and answered the Latina, "you remember when I got that note with the number on it, when we saved Pop's."

Veronica nodded, a little bit confused until realisation hit her, "oh, oooohhhhh! Wow! You go M." She cheered for Meihana. Meihana laughed at Veronica. "Calm your farm, V, I've only been talking to him. Besides nobody here would agree with my choice of friendship with this guy if they found out what he was." Meihana replied. Veronica looked at the girl confused, "why?" She asked. Meihana looked down at her feet as they were still walking, "because, he's a Serpent," she mumbled, but Veronica heard her clearly.

Shocked, Veronica stopped in the middle of the school's halls. Meihana stopped as well and looked at her friend, her face scrunched with worry. "V? Are you ok?" She asked Veronica. "Yeah, I'm fine just a little shocked is all," Veronica stated then looked at Meihana, "does Archie know about this?" Meihana shock her head, signaling to the Latina that he doesn't know. "Ok, well, It's not like your dating him right?" Veronica asked, Meihana nodded, "true." Then the bell rang, "I'll see you later Ronnie." Meihana said as she walked to her class.

Meihana was now in her last class for the day. Which she shared with Archie, whom she is still ignoring. Sitting at a table, she was zoning out, thinking about last night and how terrified she was of Archie. Even though she didn't show it. The look he had in his eyes were what scared her, the scared, crazed, sleep deprived look that they held. But it also angered her. She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard Archie's name being called out. She looked up to see Principle Weatherbee and Sheriff Keller standing at the door.

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