Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 – Visiting the Child’s Guardian


     Enduring a 15-minute car ride filled with pin drop silence wasn’t new to me. Heck, I already endured being alone in seclusion, so what’s a silent 15-minute car ride supposed to be? A prayer ride? Sometimes, Roland’s character always gets him into unnecessary arguments. I pity the guy for trying hard. But, he should really tone down the unnecessary assertiveness.

     As I flipped pages of the document containing the girl and the incident’s data report, something caught my eye. I was unsure of my opinion, so I decided to keep quiet and to just ask the girl’s guardian about it once we got there.

     I already knew that Roland was feeling uneasy ever since we left the café. I felt sorry for the guy, but couldn’t he just let it slide for once? I mean, I was in seclusion for 4 freaking years! So of course, I’d indulge myself with the little free time I had. But still, Roland was right, so, just as Roland turned around the corner I broke the silence. “Are we almost there, Roland?” I asked casually.

     “Yes Sir. It’s been confirmed that the child is currently living with a relative in this neighbourhood.” Roland answered. His eyes still fixated on the road ahead of us.

     “You know, Roland...” My voice trailing off.

     “Yes, Sir?” He replied; his voice sounding a bit down.

     “Just forget about what I said before… at the café. Don’t dwell on it too much. Okay?” I reassured him.

     “… Understood.” He replied dryly.

     After Roland parked the car in front of the house, we got ourselves out of the car and directly went up to the front door, knocking.

     We waited for a while before the door was opened, by a woman who appeared to be in her mid-40s. I acted naturally and greeted her with a smile.

     “Good day madam. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

     “The pleasure’s all mine. Mr?” She inquired.

     “Harrison, Michael J. Harrison and this is my partner Roland T. Downrey. I presume that my colleagues have already informed you about our arrival?” I asserted.

     “Ah, yes. They have. Please, follow me to the living room.” She gestured us to come in and I noticed that the woman looked like she was under stress. Well, it’s not strange, since she suddenly lost her loved ones and then suddenly taking care of their youngest daughter; whose deaths are still unexplainable.

     While she led us to the living room, I looked around the house while following her. She gestured us to sit on the sofa.

     “Please, take a seat.” She insisted.

     “Thank you.” We said in unison.

     “Would you men like some tea?” She asked.

     “Please do.” I replied. As she poured tea into our cups, I asked her several questions concerning the recent events that had happened.

     “Madam, how are you related to the little girl?” I asked.

     “I am somewhat the girl’s aunt-”

     “Somewhat?” I cut her off.

     “Her late mother was my younger sister. And… she isn’t really my sister’s biological daughter.”

     “What you’re saying is that she was adopted?” I queried.

     “Yes. My sister, Shirley, adopted her when all of her children were in college. Shirley talked to me about having an adoption. I asked her if it was necessary and she told me that having only two children was still not enough and that being the only one left in the house was lonesome for her.” She stated.

     “I see, continue.”

     “Then, nobody else wanted to take care of her and it would be cruel for her to leave her in an orphanage again, so I took her under my care with full custody of the child.”

     “I see. Would you mind answering some more questions for me?” I asked politely.

     “Of course, I don’t mind.” She answered.

     “First, can you tell me the child’s name?”

     “Her name is Mary, Mary Bryans. I don’t really know her middle name, since she was adopted.”

     “Right. Do you know as to how or why your sister’s family suddenly died?”

     “To be honest, I don’t even know. The police never bothered to tell me, since they too don’t know how or why this has happened.”

     “I see. Joleen? Was it?” I inquired. Flipping through the document I carried.

     “Yes, that’s right.” She answered.

     “Were there any problems in their family?”

     “Not that I know of, none.”

     “How has everything been after Mary moved in with you?”

     “Everything’s been fine. Except; she doesn’t really come out of her room very often. Aside from eating, bathing, and other daily necessities, she just stays in her room.” She informed.

     “I see. Have you talked to her yet? About the incident, I mean?” I inquired.

     “No, I haven’t. I think she’s still traumatized. She hasn’t talked to me ever since she first came here two days ago.” She answered.

     “2 days ago? I thought she was here since three days ago.” I queried.

     “The incident happened three days ago, but she came here the day after.” She stated. “During the house inspection, she was brought to the hospital for immediate check-ups. She was diagnosed and nothing useful was found. Not even a single clue related to the incident. When she first arrived at the hospital, the doctors and nurses were utterly shocked.” She added.

     “Why was that?” I asked.

     “That’s because, she was… completely covered in spilt blood. Even the teddy bear she always carried was covered with blood.” She stated; entering a state of trauma.

     “This is really something I’ll look into.” I muttered to myself. “Madam-” I called out to her;

     “Hm… Ah, yes!” She almost yelled; breaking away from her trance.

     “There’s one more thing I’d like to ask you. But since you seem to be a bit off right now, I’m done for today, so thank you for your time. We will come back tomorrow to talk with the child.” I informed her.

     “Oh yes, please do what you can.” She gave us a strained smile. She escorted us back to the door and bade us farewell. This is certainly too much for a down-to-earth woman to process all at once, especially the little girl who was strangely the only one spared from her foster family’s bloody deaths.

     Tomorrow, I’ll make sure to get something useful out of that child and when I do, this investigation will quickly progress for the better. Every assumption that I have ever made about meteor Revelotia’s existence will certainly be proven true in no time.


   Heyya Junkies~ So, how's the story so far, huh? I know I may be a novice at this whole story making stuff, but I do love reading great stories/mangas/manhwas, so I tried making some for myself and for others to enjoy as well~!  > w <

  Also, if you don't mind~ Would you guys please Follow me? I want/need followers~ T^T  My screen name is TwelveSky26~*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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