Jimin ♡ Jealous

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Published: August 5, 2018
Rewritten: June 7, 2023

Word count: 1,727

DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14

The sole of your shoe tapped rhythmically against the tile floor of the store you were in, your fingers pushing past plastic hangers while you sifted through the clothes, enjoying the shop's choice of music

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The sole of your shoe tapped rhythmically against the tile floor of the store you were in, your fingers pushing past plastic hangers while you sifted through the clothes, enjoying the shop's choice of music.
You and Jimin were out shopping together, deciding to spend the day treating yourselves with some retail therapy, which everyone could use every once in a while. You had already stopped at a couple stores and were now on your third.

"What do you think about this jacket?" Jimin inquired, holding up a black blazer with red designs embroidered along the collar and sleeves.
"It's definitely your style. What do you think you'll wear it with?"
"Some black dress pants and velvet Louboutin loafers."
"And for a shirt?"
He merely looked up at you, his brow raising slightly.
"Ah." You huffed out a short laugh, already envisioning him wearing only the jacket, perhaps with silver chain necklaces resting against his bare chest. You swallowed.
"Well?" Jimin prompted. "What do you think?"
"You should buy it."
He let out a little chuckle, a smirk decorating his lips before he walked off to find more clothes, meanwhile you were left with the image of Jimin in that darn jacket, the mental picture not leaving your mind.

"Y/n? Is that you?" A male voice asked, pulling you from your thoughts. You turned to look at who it was that had called out to you.
His warm smile and angelic features were enough to make you recognize him instantly.
"I haven't seen you in like three years." He gaped. "How are you?"
"I'm good. Really good, actually. You?"
"Same here. I got a job as a writer." He said, looking rather cheerful sharing the news.
"A writer? That's so cool. What do you write?"
"All kinds of things. I'm currently trying to write my own book."
"Really? That's awesome. I'll definitely buy it when you finish it."
"I'll be sure to send you the first copy."
"Really? I'd be flattered." You laughed.
"Would you be okay exchanging phone numbers so we can catch up?"
"Sure." You nodded with a smile, reaching for your phone.
"So, are you shopping with someone or is it just you?" Jeonghan asked once you had exchanged numbers.
"Actually, I'm here with my b-"
"Her boyfriend." Jimin walked up, seeming to have appeared out of nowhere, sliding his arm around your waist, keeping you firmly pressed against his side.
"Right. My boyfriend. Jimin this is Jeonghan. Jeonghan, this is Jimin."
"Oh! You're from BTS. I'm a huge fan. It's so nice to meet you. I'm an old friend of Y/n's." He flashed a warm and friendly smile, holding his hand out.
Jimin reached out and shook it.
"Nice to meet you too." He greeted with a tight smile.
Jimin was good at concealing his emotions and putting on a smiling face to hide the way he truly felt. So to you, everything seemed fine, the atmosphere between your boyfriend and your acquaintance perfectly amicable.

"Well, I guess I should let you two get back to shopping. It was nice to see you again, Y/n." Jeonghan said waving.
You bid him goodbye, waving back as he exited the store. Jimin stood there and stared, watching Jeonghan walk off until he was out of sight.
"Jimin?" You nudging him.
"Are you ready to go or did you want to look around some more?"
"I think I'm ready to go."
The both of you took your items to the register for checkout and left, deciding to call it a day.
Jimin didn't say a word on the way home, which let you know something was off. He had this dark look in his eyes and an emotionless expression on his face. If that wasn't enough to raise alarm bells, you didn't know what was.

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