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It had been five days since the incident with Camila. Five days since Lauren had almost kissed her English teacher. Her neighbour.

Lauren was doomed. 

She sat on the beach with Normani and Ally, staring into nothingness as her heart pounded at the thought of the brown eyed girl.

Did Camila like her too? Did Camila mean to kiss her? Did Camila even love Michael like she says she does?

Thoughts. Thoughts. Thoughts.

Lauren didn't like them. She didn't like how one thing could eat away her mind, followed by another, then another, then another.

She didn't like how it couldn't be simple. How she couldn't have just fell for one of the lifeguards over by pier. Or a guy in her year. Or just someone her age.

But she liked a woman. And that woman was her teacher. And that woman had a boyfriend. And that woman was five years older than Lauren.

Her heart fluttered at the thought of her. Just her warm brown eyes, her calming wide smile, her soft angelic voice.

She was going insane. Crazy. High. High on Camila Cabello.
Lauren hated it. She'd never have Camila. Even if Camila was single, she still wouldn't be able to have her.

Lauren sighed, really needing a distraction from all of this drama.

"Normani, Ally. You guys up for a movie?"
Ally and Normani nodded, jumping off their stained beach towels. "Let's go. Anything but horror I'm all for it."


They returned from the cinema screen a few hours later, laughing their asses off.
"Did you see the guy in the makeup store? That cracked me up." Ally clutched her stomach, tears spilling from her eyes from laughing too hard.
"And the girl who was at the wrong wedding." Normani laughed. "That part was the funniest."

Lauren chuckled, watching her two best friends with an amused expression.
"Want to come back to mine girls? We can stalk Danny Wildman."
She nudged Normani, the dark-skinned girl blushing at the mention of her latest crush.

Ally nodded, linking her arms with the two other girls. "Let's go do some stalking!"
Lauren giggled, watching as Ally swerved the three around with her two arms linked with the two other girls'.
When Lauren turned around, it wasn't a pretty sight.

Stood in front of her was none other than Camila. Oh, and lucky for Lauren Michael was there too.

Michael grinned, stepping forward to embrace Lauren into a tight hug.

What the fuck?

"Lauren!" Michael exclaimed. "My favourite neighbour!"
Lauren scrunched her eyebrows, wondering what the hell had come over Michael in the past 24 hours.
Food poisoning? Hit to the head? Intense and mind blowing sex. Ew, hell no. Lauren internally threw up at the thought of Michael and Camila getting intimate. She just couldn't fathom it. It was too much to bear.

Michael smirked, putting his arm around Camila's shoulders, pulling her into his body.
Lauren clenched her jaw.

"Well, Normani, Ally and I better be off now." She states matter of factly, pretending like she wasn't totally and completely mad that Camila was wrapped up in Michaels' arms.

She was about to make a move to leave, when Lauren suddenly had a brilliant idea. If Michael wanted to play, so could she.

"We're actually heading downtown some more. We have dates!"
Yes. That's genius. Lauren internally high-fived herself.
She quickly shot Normani and Ally a warning glare before watching Camila's face intently, slightly frowning as she notices Camila's face fall. Lauren wondered why.

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