When he finds you

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Pirate captain

As the pirate of the year award opening ended me and my crew walked out and went to walk to our ship when someone frantically bumped into me. I stopped and looked down to see a child. She looked up and looked worried "mr help my mum needs help she's not waking up." I looked at her then at number two and said "go back to the ship I will be back soon." "Ok captain." I looked at the little girl "show me where she is and I will help you." She nodded and ran in the direction of her house. I ran after her until we soon came to a stop to her house to see that her mum was lying on the floor. I checked her all over then asked the girl "do you know why mummy is on the floor." "She went to find money to get food then he fell now she won't wake up." She started to tear up I pulled her into a hug and she hugged back. "How old are you." "I am 8." "Wow your a big girl. And may I ask your name little lady." She laughs a little. "My name is (y/n) what is yours." "Pirate captain but call me captain for short. How about you live with me and my crew." "Yes please that's if you don't mind." "The crew will love you." " yay I can't wait to meet them." I held out my hand and he grabbed it and we slowly walked to the boat ready for ham night.

Pirate with the scarf

As we got to blood Island we had just got off the boat to smell smoke loads of people were rushing to a burning building. All of the crew ran over there was an older man that was in front of me he had just got out of the building "sir are u ok?" He looked at me and grabbed my shoulders "have you seen a little girl." "No sir." He went to run back into the fire when i stopped him "I will find her." He looked very weak.
As I ran In there I heard the captain call for me but I ignored him and searched for the girl.
As I opened the third door upstairs I saw a body I rushed over to see it was the girl she had passed out I rushed downstairs dodging everything and making it out just in time before it all collapsed I instantly went on my knees and covered the girl.
Soon enough the crew, the old man, and the king came rushing over to me I looked up and the man looked faint and collapsed. I went next to him and he said. "Promise you will look after her." "I will look after her and I promise she is safe." "Thank you her name is (y/n)." After that he kissed the girl and passed away. I decided to take her back to the ship to take her as my own.

Charles  Darwin

I had just walked out from the town hall with a whole set of exiclopedias, a little trophy and the best visit from queen Victoria. After shaking other scientists hands. Me and bobo slowly started to walk home me talking to him about new projects for next year when all of a sudden a out break of tears and screams filled the air I frantically searched around for the source of sound. I looked up at a window to see a young girl hanging from the window and a silhouette in the window about to push her off. Just as she dropped I dive in to catch her just in time. I let her stand up she slowly looked up, "are you ok." I asked. She shyly nodded I smiled at her and she smiled back "how about you come stay with me." "Yes please." As soon as she said that she hugged me round the neck. So I lifted her up and me and Bobo took her back to my home. And I learned her name was (y/n).

Pirate king

Ahh another year done and almost time for the pirate of the year awards to be done. As I did some paperwork i heard rummaging outside, so I decide to go check it out. As soon as I walked out the back I heard the noise again. The source of noise seemed to be coming from the bin (sorry), I slowly started to go to the bin and I opened the lid to find a young but thin and frail girl looking for food she looked up as I learned over to block the light. She just started at me and smiled and lifted her arms in the air waiting for me to pick her up and carry her. So I did pick her up and take her to the kitchen to get her something to eat and drink and something for myself as well. As see was eating she looked around the room amazed on how much stuff I have. I decided to ask "hello little one may i ask what your name is?" She gulped a bit of food saying "hello I am (y/n) and I am 8." "That is a pretty name my name is pirate king." She smiled and said "I here people talk about you." I smiled back but there was one question i wanted to ask. "(Y/n) where are your parents." Her eyes started to water so I hug her and say "sorry but you can stay with me if you like." "yes please." I took her to where I was doing my papers and she tried to help me in any way she could.

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