When you call him dad

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Pirate captain

It had been only a couple of weeks since (y/n) joined the crew and she was used to everything and one. But today felt different and I knew why because *BANG* *CRASH* "AAAAGGHHH." That sounds like (y/n) I rushed upstairs to find (y/n) on the floor with the anchor on her ancle. She was yelling in pain. So me and the boys ran over to her trying to help her get it off. Soon enough we did I grabbed her and took her to her bedroom and lasted her down looking at her ancle. After I bandaged it she said "thank you dad." I couldn't believe it she called me dad. "No problem." She slept till the next morning.

Pirate with a scarf

Seeing (y/n) laugh and being a pirate makes me happy. As I asked her to hoist the flag she ran to the rope to clime up and get the flag ready but her foot got caught on the rope. She started to struggle and she got panicky and I didn't know until she yelled out to me "DAD HELP ME PLEASE HELP." I looked to find her and saw her dangling so I run up the rope and cut it catching (y/n) and landing on both feet. I put her down and checked all over her and she hugged me "Thank you daddy." I smiled and helped her with different things and just thinking the fact that she called me daddy.

Charles Darwin

You had just finished breakfast and you went to wash up your plate in the sink not realising your dad and bobo watching. "So your saying she made it her self." 'Yes' (I know bobo doesn't talk but I use '' instead of "" just to make that clear.) as we were talking we didn't realise (y/n) looking at us quietly not having a clue to what we were talking about and on why we were behind the door. So she just went to her room with a couple of books to read and pass the time. After finishing talking to bobo we looked round to find (y/n) no where to be seen so we both run to find her and saw her in the bedroom reading a couple books. She looked at me "hay dad hay bobo." My heart froze from being called dad but I liked it now I was a dad.

Pirate king

You were playing with Bellamy and the pirate captain and they were chasing you around trying their best to catch you and since you were fast for a child it was hard for them to get you. But soon you stoped and looked behind you to find they weren't behind you. You back up "Bellamy. Captain.
Where are you guys?" You backed up in to something and they grabbed you and it was pc (pirate captain) and he put me over his shoulder so I could se Bellamy behind him I wiggled and yelled jokingly "Dad *laughs* I am *laughs* getting kidnapped *laughs*." You yell laughing like a mad man. Soon the pirate came out shocked of what he heard not that the fact you were going to get kidnapped or you were laughing but that you called him dad. You walked up to him "are you ok dad?" "Yes sugar plum."

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