Chapter 9 - The Kids From Yesterday

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Its Lindsey. I can't believe it. She looks at me with wide eyes, parted lips and a shocked look as she hold my chin up to her face. She suddenly gets really angry and slams her hand into the side of my face.

"HEY!" Frank yells. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" He screeches. She gives him a small chuckle then adds, "but why should I?" She unties us from the chair as she pulls me up along with Mikey. "Long time no see way brothers." She says dragging us along forcing us to go somewhere. "I can't say the same for you." Mikey grumbles.

"Huh, what's that?" She asks. "Nothing" Mikey mumbles. "Good"

We keep walking till we reach a little room with a small window in the door. She throws us into the cell and then along come Ray and Frank. The door quickly shuts and a small over head light comes on. She locks the door and says something.

"How do you know her!?!" Ray nearly hollars at me and Mikey. "Well, it's a long story." I start to say but get cut off by Ray again. "Well we got enough time dip shit." He says sitting down on the ground. I sigh. We all sit down in a circle. "Ok. Here we go." I rub my hands down my legs.

"It all began when I met her back in 3rd grade. Mikey was in kindergarten, but he still knew her, she would come over after school sometimes. When we met in 3rd grade she seemed so nice. Now keep in mind, I'm gay, i have never liked a girl before. So me and Lindsey stay friends up untill the 6th grade, the year she asked me out. We were at her house studying for a test." I gulp.

"I remember the conversation so clearly."
"Hey, um, gerard." Lindsey says. "Yeah lyns?" I ask. She puts down her pencil and takes a deep breath. "I've been meaning to tell you this but i haven't had the time, but i figured now would be a good time." She says slowly wiping her hands up and down her leggings. 

"I-I like you gee, I've had a crush on you since 5th grade." She says hiding her blush. No no no. I say inside my head. She can't. I'm gay. I don't like her. I like her as a friend but nothing else. "Oh" is all I can get out of my mouth.

"What?" She asks he face falling from a smile to a frown. "Lyns I also need to tell you something" I say. Her face lights up again. "what is it?" She scoots closer to me. "I'm gay." I say. She looks at me and blinks slowly.

"So, you only like boys. No girls?" She says. "Well, that's what gay is" I chuckle a bit scratching the back of my head. Her face gets into a confused look. "Oh." She looks down at her homework.

We finish our home work and I go home. When i get home i skip dinner and run to my room and cry into my blanket. I don't know what to do. I came out to my first person but, now what? I end up crying myself to sleep.

I wake up to the sunshine coming through the blinds. I get up and get dressed then go downstairs. "Hey Gerard, you ok?" My mom asks me. "Yeah just had a hard day." I say grabbing an apple. "I'm gonna head to school ma!" I call into the hous ripening the door, grabbing my bag and leaving.

When I open the doors to the school building everyone's eyes go to me. I don't know why. No one ever notices me really. As I walk down the hall alot of people watch me then whisper something to a friend. I get to my locker and put my bag in it and shut my locker to start walking around the school before school starts.

I get to about halfway down a hall wah opposite of my homeroom and get shoves up against a locker. "Hey there fag." Someone smirks to me. I can feel thier breath. It's unpleasant. "What do you mean?" I ask. "A little birdy came and told me you were a fag." The boy says examining me. My eyes go wide. Lindsey. It must have been her.

"Oh" is all I can force out of my mouth. I'm in shock. I can't believe she would tell everyone.

That bitch.

Then I feel something colide with my face. Someone's fist. I get punched over and over again falling to the ground with 3 feet kicking me each foot belonging to some one else. I get my chin pulled up and looked into some kids eyes. "You best stay out of our way faggot. I don't need a gay crushing on me." He says then throws my head down and gives me one last blow to the chest knocking the wind out of me.

I get up and go to the boy's bathroom and cry for god knows how long.
"Oh my god." Ray says after I finish my story. "That's so sad baby." Frank brushes a hair strand from my face. "Wait are you two a thing?" Mikey asks pointing between me and frank. "Yeah." I respond crawling over to lay in Frank's lap. "We are." I say lacing my hand with his.

"Awwwwwww" I hear Ray say. "Turns out Lindsey did tell everyone and my life was ruined after that. I was the outcast. No one would sit next to men in class or infront of me or behind me. I had my own table at lunch. I forever became known as the faggot of the school. That was untill james peterson cane out and everyone accepted him, but me no. Because why would they accept me that would be crazy" I say.

"Oh. I'm sorry about all of that." Ray says. "Meh, it's ok. I like to block that part of my life out of my memories." I say. "That's not the best option." Frank mentions. "Yeah, I know, I mean, it's not like you have a keep and throw away option in memories." I remind him, he seems to have forgotten. He nodds.

"I like to focus on the present anyways, the past is in the past and I can't change anything about it, it's better to focus on the now and not the past." I murmur. "Anyone got a cigarette I can use?" I ask. Ray hands me one along with a lighter. "Thanks Ray." I place the death stick between my lips and light the cancer.

"Gerard! I thought you gave up smoking!" Mikey exclaims. "I never gave it up mikes, sorry but I've been lying to you." I admit. "Its ok, I never kicked my drinking habit." He says. I chuckle a bit. Taking in another drag of the suicide stick.

"Just yesterday we would still be safe back at the hide out. But now we gotta deal with lynz. How the fuck did we manage to get to her!?!" Mikey says. "I'm not sure, but its ok, cause we got each other." I tell him.

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