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baileys POV:

When i got home i took a quick shower, when i was shaving my legs i heard a notification come from my phone, i finished up and hopped out of the shower. it was from an unknown number.

'sorry for coming off strong earlier in the store, i was just, idk, i had a brain fart if i'm going to be honest'

i assumed it was from colby so i saved his contact and replied.
'oh? yeah, it was a bit awkward. but i understand. how's your night going, other than that'
i set down my phone and continued to listen to the album "AM" by the Arctic Monkeys. i began brushing my teeth when i heard another ding and picked up my phone, once again.

'it's been good. how about yours? i'm not trying to sound nosey but you were buying razor blades and i was worried'
my face softened as i read this, i had attempted a few times previously, so this rugged at my heart. As i was about to reply, another text came through.
'can we speak over the phone?'
i replied a quick yes, and only a minute later my phone began to ring.
"hello?" i heard colbys voice coming from the other side. "hi, creepy man" i replied. a soft chuckle came from him. we talked for about an hour until he brought up the touchy subject. {TW- mention of suicide attempt ahead}
"bailey, you never answered me about what you were purchasing" and long silence enveloped us, i slowed my breaths and began to talk " i attempted suicide a few weeks ago, but i was not buying these for that purpose. i genuinely needed to have new blades for my shaver" i finally say quietly. i heard a small breath come from him. "okay." i was relieved that he wasn't going to try to tell me that everything was fine, life is beautiful bla bla bla. "okay" i responded. "i'm tired, can we talk later?" i asked. "of course, i'll talk to you tomorrow. sleep well" colby responded softly

it had been a few hours since colby and i talked and i was just watching greys anatomy on my phone when i got a call from an unknown number, i assumed that it was colby and that maybe the contact i had him under was glitching or something, but when i answered, unfortunately that wasn't the case. "hey dummy, i thought we said we would talk tomorrow" i lightly chuckled as i answered the phone. "who the f*ck do you think you are" the voice of my father boomed through my phone. "you're an worthless idiot, i PAY for your phone! I CAN TRACK YOU" as soon as he said those 4 words my heart dropped. technically, i payed for my phone, i gave him the money for it, but it did come out of his account. i quickly hung up, not even 2 minutes later there was a loud banging on my door, i could hear my fathers loud breathing as i pushed myself against the door that he was attempting to break. i quickly texted colby.

b~ 'colby, i need your help.'
i quickly sent him my location as i prayed that he'd make it in time.

Colbys P.O.V

i look at my phone to see a text from bailey. "shit" i said under my breath.

Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now