chapter 22: bailey

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Colbys P.O.V

I was on my phone texting Shai when I heard a huge thud. When I looked up from my phone I saw Bailey laying on the floor, the chair laying on its side next to her. "Baby?" I said as I got up to shake her "BAILEY" I screamed hoping she would wake up. Elton came running in. "What's goi- yo what the fuck" he said running over to her "she's not waking up we need to go to the hospital." I threw Bailey over my shoulder and we got in the car and left. "What happend?" Elton asked from the passenger seat, worry written all over his face. "She was fine then I looked over and she was on the floor." Elton looked at me and then looked out the window. I picked up my phone and saw it was 2:30am. I called brennen
Brennen- "hey bro, sorry about earlier just stressed out wha-

Me- "it's Bailey something's wrong. She was fine then she just fell over and now she's not waking up were on our way to the hospital will you meet us there? Please"

Brennen- "yea bro of course *keys jiggling in the background* I'm getting my keys. I'll be there in 20.

Me- " alright thanks bye.

I hung up on brennen, I knew he would understand. We were still quit away away from the hospital and I was speeding to get there. I was going at least 30 mph over the speed limit. Sirens roared blue and red lights behind us making me pull right to the side of the road the police car following my actions. He got out of his car and walked towards my car. When he past the back seat window he reached for the gun that lay at his belt. "Put your hands where I can see them and slowly step out of the car" elton and I did what he said. "Sir that's my girlfriend Bailey, I was speeding because she passed out and collapsed onto the ground. I promise I mean no harm. Please I need to get her to the hospital" tears began to roll down my face and I couldn't stop them. "Please I need to get her to the h-h-hospital" the police man gave me a nod and got back in his car and drove off. I almost collapsed to my knees but I had no time, i got back in my car and we drove off. we arrived at the hospital not to long after. "Please someone help her" I screamed while pulling Bailey out of the car. A few doctors came running out of the building and pulled Bailey onto a gurney "Sir what happend" one of the doctors asked while checking her pulse. "She collapsed and won't wake up, is she going to be ok?" I asked worriedly. "We're going to run a few tests, wait in the waiting room we'll tell you when you can see her." He said before running into the hospital the other doctors pulling the gurney being him, and before I knew it they were out of sight.

Time skip 30 minutes

I heard a loud announcement scream code blue over the intercom and my heart began beating 10x faster then before. I hated having Bailey out of my sight especially when someone was dying and I didn't know if it was her. A tall man in a white coat interrupted my thoughts "are you here for Bailey Smith?". "Yes, my name is Colby brock. Is she ok, why did she pass out. Do you know when I can see her?" My thoughts exploded out of my mouth. "Hi Colby, my name's Dr.parks Bailey is doing well, we did find the cause of the passing out." My face went limp "Why, why did she pass out?" He looked at me with sympathetic eyes "she's belimic, after every meal she will thow it up. No food has stayed in her system in over a week." Tears fell from my eyes and all emotion fell from my heart and all I felt was sorrow. Why did she feel the need to starve herself. She was beautiful already, she worked out often and even if she was chubby I would still love her no matter what.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter but I needed a cliff hanger and I hope you enjoyed.

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