Chapter 19: the first date <3

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Eltons P.O.V

it had been almost a month since jasmyn dyed circa pink and i wasn't that mad anymore. "you realize that when i walk circa i look like a sassy gay man right?" i asked jasmyn. she began to giggle then she said "but your my sassy gay man". she walked towards me and placed a long passionate kiss on my lips. "im sorry, it was funny though" she said barely breaking away from our kiss then she leaned back in and kissed me more passionately then before. corey walked into my room during our kiss "hey elton, woooaaaahhh sorry bro" corey said then he quickly shut the door again. i laughed and the left my room when i heard something than made me happy "wait up" jasmyn came running out of my room and placed a quick peck on my lips. "bye" she started walk/running to colbys room. then i heard a door open and close. i heard a slight mumble of words then the door opened and closed again. colby walked down the hallway with wide eyes "dude i just got kicked out of MY OWN room!" i laughed and walked downstairs and headed to the gym. after i arrived to the gym i saw brennen talking to his vlog camera while heading to a 2007 red Toyota corolla. when he arrived at the car a arm reached out and brennen kissed it. i walked over to brennen and immediately began to die of laughter when i saw colby sitting inside the drivers seat. colby faced his vlog camera at me and screamed "BROLBY IS REAL BRO!!!!!!!!" Brennen then quickly got in the car and they drove off. i laughed for a few minutes then went to the gym to work out.

After 2 hours at the gym i came back to the house at around 6 pm. "bro come go into the garage im gonna get Aaron then ill be down there" corey said as soon as i walked through the door. he looked around realizing he had said that quit loudly. i headed to the garage and sat in my office chair and began to edit the most recent tfil video. about 1 hour later corey and Aaron came into the garage and stood behind me. i turned around to face them. "what were you doing that took you a fucking hour to get your lazy asses down here" i said. im not gonna lie i was kinda pissed, i wanted to hang out with jasmyn. "sorry bro turns out Aaron was filming a quick video and i helped him out." corey said with a smile on his face. "Alright bro, why did you tell me to come down here?" "two words bro, prank.............war!" corey said with a hug evil grin on his face. his light brown eyes had evil sparks in them. Corey explained the plan and me and Aaron nodded in agreement. Corey took out his vlog camera and began his intro "Alright guys what is up, im with the half squad right now. we got Kyle (because elton has a short beard) you know what you might be a tanner. ok so we're here with tanner. alright let me re-do that. we got Aaron and we got tanner. its about midnight. sam and colby are upstairs sleeping or idk. but uhhh we're gonna prank them. so what we're gonna do is, we went to suicide bridge recently and we played with the Ouija board and some stuff happend. like some serious stuff happend." i interrupted corey half way through his intro "do you think some stuff happend" i said messing around. "yea stuff happend" he said turning to look towards me. "did stuff happen or did some stuff happen" i said with a smirk on my face, he glared at me and said "its not even worth joking about bro stuff happend bro" i started giggling. "i think that the best way to prank sam and colby right now is to" corey was again interrupted by Aaron " by setting the house on fire" Aaron stated. "No i did that prank on you, i cant repeat pranks. i think its best if i get possessed by a Ouija bored, no but not actually though. we're gonna prank sam and colby." corey said looking at me. "does that mean you have to touch a ouiji bored?" i said mentally laughing at the thought of corey playing the ouiji bored. "i will look like im touching it but i wont actually be touching it ill have it in front of me and ill look like im touching it but im not. ANYWAYS! so what we are about to do right now we're gonna hide a camera in the living room and we're gonna set it up so that it looks like im playing with the ouiji board and some freaky shit is gonna go on while im 'playing' the ouiji board, hopefully sam and colby will some down stairs and see that. or actually i want you guys to go upstairs and get sam and colby because im gonna be playing the ouiji board and yea be like 'yo coreys playing the ouiji board by himself' and then they'll be like ' wait what' and hopefully we can keep it going from there. ill freak them out and we'll plan something out and we'll scare the crap out of sam and colby, sound good to you guys? TEAM ELTORION!" corey finished his intro and i went and grabbed the ouiji board. after chasing corey around with the ouiji board for a little we finally filmed the prank. you can check it out at after filming the prank i decided that im going to take jasmyn out on an 'official' date. i went upstairs and found jasmyn laying on my bed scrolling through instagram. "hey, get ready we're going out to dinner" i said pushing down her phone and placing a peck on her lips. jasmyn was still in her pajamas because today was just a chill day for her. "ok, when are we leaving" she said while getting off the bed. "uhhh in a hour or something i guess. oh and we're going somewhere but its not too fancy but it is semi fanci." and with that i left the room and took a shower.

what jasmyn was wearing.

what jasmyn was wearing

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when we arrived to the restaurant jasmyn ordered a chicken enchilada (her favorite food) and i ordered a chicken enchilada as well

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when we arrived to the restaurant jasmyn ordered a chicken enchilada (her favorite food) and i ordered a chicken enchilada as well. while we waited for our food jasmyn talked to me about the life long struggles she had to deal with including her mother constantly being in abusive relationships and her brother off and on in jail. she shed a few tears while explaining the troubles her and her brother had to face. when she was 12 her best friend Anita moved to New Orleans. This was all stuff she had never told me when we were dating back in high school. our food finally came and we continued to talk about our life after high school ect.

when we were done eating we headed home. we were rocking out to bellyache by Billie Ellish when headlights appeared on jasmyns side of the car.......

A/N: hey guys sorry for the cliff hanger but im in a bit of a writers block right now so please comment suggestions below. any way i want to thank you guys so much! i didnt expect for my book to ever get 700 reads. thank you guys so much!!!!

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