chapter 5

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Colbys Pov:

I drove faster than i had ever driven before. my heart was racing. i wasn't sure what was wrong with her, but in the neighborhood that she was in i could only imagine the worse, i pressed my foot further down on the gas peddle. i hope i make it in time.

baileys Pov:
{tw: slight abuse ahead}
My father was too strong, he broke the door down, the force slammed me against the cold and hard floor. My dad walked right over to be and grabbed me by my hair, "you ruined our reputation, your friend makayla told everyone what happened at that party" he slammed my head against the floor and let go, but i could tell he was far from done. His beatings were worse than ever before, kicking my stomach, i heard a crack and felt my ribs break. blow after blow i just sat there and took it. fighting back wouldn't be worth it, he's stronger than me. i felt my blood pooling around me as i faded out of consciousness, and i saw a head of brown hair come around the doorway. "help" i breathed, barely hearing myself. i saw his eyes open in shock, but i faded out completely. it was too late. he was too late.

Colbys Pov:

I ran up the staircase to see her neighbors all in the hallways watching, what was happening? as i found her room, a tall, skinny man was throwing punch after punch at bailey. blood was surrounding her, as he began to kick her a inaudible word escaped her lips. "CALL THE COPS" i ordered, look at the neighbors. i saw them all scurry into their homes and do as i said. i pulled this rat-ish man off of her, he turned back to be his face covered in blood spatters. His eyes were dark, he was beyond angry, i could see the slight resemblance to bailey. this must've been her dad, i pinned him down, my lean build was enough, but only barely. Soon enough i heard the sirens, and i know the cops were on their way.

-time skip-

bailey was still unconscious, they weren't sure if she was going to wake up. her mom was there, and so was her dad, the police seemed to think that since she wasn't awake to make the statement that mine didn't count. Cops in this town never did sh!t, and it was pissing me off. we were sitting on opposite sides of her room, her heart rhythm was slow, but it was the only thing keeping me calm. he face was bloody and bruised. This whole incident happened 3 days ago, they had taken her to surgery, but she was still critical. god, i just want her to be okay.

baileys Pov:
My head was killing me, my entire body was in pain and as much as i tried to open my eyes i couldn't. the lights were too bright, everything was too loud, where was i? i finally forced my eyes open a crack, but i saw my parents and my entire body ran cold.

Colbys Pov:
One second baileys heart was slow, but steady and the next, it just- it just stopped. the nurses came rushing in and demanded us to all leave, they pressed a button and all the sudden an announcement rang over the intercom. "CODE BLUE, CODE BLUE ROOM 1614. CODE BLUE"

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