Were the Catholics framed?

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This is honesty the toughest question throughout the paper.


King James I dealt severely with the Catholics who he put in prison and took money from. The Catholics had enough, and some of them thought that if they managed to kill him, they'll have a Catholic king or queen.

The Catholics then found that there were some cellars under the Houses of Parliament. They decided to fill these cellars with gunpowder. Also, they expected the King to meet there on the 5th of November. They hired a man called Guy Fawkers to set fire to the gunpowder, so that it'll blow up and kill everybody there.

But it so happens that one of the lords, named Mounteagle, had a friend amount the Catholics, and had wrote him a letter to beg him not to go to the Parliament that day as a sudden blow would be struck and would destroy them all. That friend remained anonymous.

Lord Mounteagle took the letter to the king's council. Some of the councilors laughed at it it but the king thought about it and said the sudden blow must mean gunpowder.

King James set people to watch the vaults under the Parliament, and at last, they caught Guy Fawkers waiting for the time to set fire to the gunpowder.

In my opinion, the story of the gunpowder plot became unpopular as it was just an extract from a book written for children. It was not proven and was boring, making people not want to read or recognize the story.

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