Bloody Queen Mary; Succession to Throne

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Question: Was Mary's succession to the throne easy or difficult in your opinion?

Some things we need to know about Mary:

* She is Henry VIII's daughter.
* After Edward VI died, his sister Mary became queen.
* Mary was a devout Catholic, who believe that unless the Roman Catholic Church was brought back, no one in England would be able to go to Heaven.


There will be about 15 points for this one:

* Protestantism had only been the official religion of England for six years. Before that, England had been a Catholic country for centuries. Many people would be glad to go back to familiar Catholic ideas.

* Henry VIII had already closed all the monasteries and sold the lands to rich and important people. Mary would have to take all this land back.

* There were many Protestants in England. They hated the Pope and Catholicism.

* Mary was not married and had no children. Her sister Elizabeth was next in line to the throne. She was a Protestant.

* When Mary became queen, Protestants had tried to replace her, but they received no support.

... Once Mary decided to bring back Catholicism, she decided she could:

* reform and improve the Catholic Church so that people would want to be Catholics again.

* get the support of a powerful Catholic country like Spain.

* force people to become Catholics by persecuting Protestants.


* In 1554, Mary married the Catholic King Phillip II of Spain. (which was the most powerful Catholic country back then.)

* Between 1555 and 1558, Mary had burned 284 Protestants to death. She was hoping this would persuade other Protestants to return to Catholicism.

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