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"So then I asked why I had to go with them and my mum told me that it was for my own benefit. Like seriously how the fuck does watching oil getting pumped up from the ground benefit me?! I don't get it Lex, I just don't understand why they think I want to own this shit. Oil is so dirty and filthy and..."

"You'll be filthy rich if you do continue to own it, you know that right?"

"Yeah of course but who ever said I wanted to be filthy rich? Rich people are all stuck up ass holes with too much confidence."

I laughed at Leydens comment. From what I knew that was true. All rich students at Birmingham High School were stuck up ass holes with too much confidence.

"You're rich" I stated, which was true. Leyden's family owned and oil company that was worth millions.

"Correction. My parents are rich. They own that dirty place. I just swing by their house sometimes to crash." We entered an almost empty classroom and sat down at a desk together. Leyden and I sat at the very back. This had become an everyday thing for us. School was almost over and I was more than excited for a long break.

I couldn't help but laugh at him. "You and I both know you're a mummy's boy. You wouldn't last a day without your mum." We both started laughing because it was true.

Soon after we sat down a small blonde woman entered the room followed by a few more students. Once the class came to a hush she began her lecture on World War I. I watched Leyden as he took down notes. I would copy considering I tuned out for the first part of the class, but all motivation I had this morning had vanished.

After History, Leyden and I had different classes. I wasn't too happy but there was nothing I could do. If Leyden would rather throw balls at people and run then learn about cells so be it, although I would rather have my only friend in all my classes.

"I'll see you during break?" I asked as a question even though I knew the answer.

"Yeah, same place as always." He laughed.

Leyden pulled me back as I started to walk the opposite way to him. "Hey Lex... Try making some friends, please? Not that I like being your friend or anything... And I know everyone is a dick but surely at least one person other than myself isn't."

"Whoever said you weren't?" I smirked at him.

"Hey the ladies love me and that's all that matters."

"Yeah for your money!" I shouted at him as he turned and started off down the hall.

He turned and winked at me. I laughed as I turned and headed for Biology.


I reached Leyden at the back of the oval and sat opposite him. He had already devoured some cheese and crackers and was on to some homemade slice. I pulled out a bag of chips and began to eat them. The back of the oval was shielded by a thick layer of trees. I don't know anyone who's been past them but I can only imagine by the quiet sound of water gushing around that it looks something like a creek with trees, obviously.

"Did you make any friends?" He asked with a mouth full of food. I turned my head around to face him.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you to not talk with your mouth full? And no, I couldn't concentrate on the subject let alone making friends." The class was full of highly smart academic people who were more worried about learning then a friendless girl. Plus, it's not like Biology is a place for socializing.

"Firstly, my mother was too busy teaching employees how to tell what oil is good or bad too have time to teach me my manners. And Lex did you even try at least? Maybe crack a smile at someone?"

"I smile all the time. Pleople just don't notice."

"You're never going to get invited to any parties or other cool things if you don't socialize."

"People only have parties to get drunk and have sex." I laughed and shook my head. Leyden sighed and looked up at me. I smiled back and finished the rest of my food.


The bell rang through our ears and we made our way back to the school building for English. A class I actually enjoyed, and Leyden was in.

We again sat at the back. I took notes this time as the teacher rambled on about Shakespeare and his plays.

"Hey, what are you doing tomorrow night?" Leyden whispered into my ear.

"Just my paper round, why?"

"Want to study with me?"

I let a small laugh. "Really? You want to study with me?"

"Yes, now do you or don't you?" He responded not so hushed.

I laughed again "Of course"

"Good. I'll pick you up after 5?"

"Yeah sounds good."

I sat staring at the window for the rest of class. Leyden nudged me with his elbow when the bell rang indicating it was time for lunch.

We made our way over to the back of the oval, crossing the soccer pitch as we did so.

"Leyden!" Both our heads turned around to face the voice.

"Hey Ley" A boy wearing sporting gear jogged up to us. He was quite tall and tanned. His accent suggested that he came from Australia. He had light brown hair and very blue eyes.

"Nate! Dude what's up!"

"Nothin much man. How's ya holidays?"

"Pretty good, and yours?"

"They were aight. Who's this lovely lady?" Nate turned his head to me, smiling.

"Nate this is Ale..." Leyden was cut off when a ball flew towards us.

"HEADS UP!" Nate turned and swiftly caught the ball. He started running back to the centre of the field turning around one last time.

"Talk to ya later mate!"

"Yeah! Whatevs"

Together we turned back around and sat on the benches facing the school.

"Whatevs?" I couldn't help but laugh. "Since when do you use slang?"

"Since always" Leyden defended himself.

"Hmm okay"

We sat down and started eating. It was quiet for a while. I sat down staring at the thick tree layer until Leyden snapped me out of my little trance.

"You okay?" Leyden asked with a worried look on his face.

"Hmm? Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I gave him a reassuring smile.

We sat together till the end of lunch talking about what we were doing for our break in more depth until the final class of the day approached.

I found myself parting ways with Leyden again at my locker. I prepared myself for Psychology and entered a little late than usual. The teacher greeted me as I entered. She was a lovely teacher. Most older teachers aren't usually carefree and laid back, but Mrs. Dot was different. She even insisted we called her by her first name, Sue. All seats at the back were occupied already so I had to force myself to sit somewhere different. I scanned the room quickly looking for vacant spots. There were 3. One right at the front, next to a gothic looking boy. There was another next to Stella Jacobs, who I didn't really want to sit near. And one in the middle, next to a boy with black hair and a heart warming smile.

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