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Almost a dozen piecing eyes rested upon me. A very uncomfortable feeling erupted inside of me. I did not recognise anyone. Some wore the school soccer jersey while others just casual. One man stood out more than rest. He looked a lot older then a senior should. Maybe late twenties, early thirties. He has a thick beard with black sleek hair that was neatly combed back. The small amount of skin that was showing from his arms was covered in tattoos.

They were all huddled in a circle each smoking or drinking some type of alcohol. I couldn't see the boy with my pen at all.

They all glared at me as if I were an alien. "You lost babe?" The tattooed man smirked up at me and flipped his ciggarette from one side of his lips to the other.

I quickly turned around and walked away. I decided I didn't care about my pen any longer. I was almost at the new buildings when I had the feeling that I was being watched. I turned to see the boy who took my pen jogging behind me. He wore different attire now. Some water proof sports pants along with a waterproof coat and a pair of runners. I turned around completely and waited for him to catch up.

He smiled as he got closer to me.


When I didn't respond, he reached up to his ear and pulled my pen down.

"Here, you probably want this back." I stared at him. Why was he being nice all of a sudden?

"What?" He cocked an eyebrow up, clearly confused.

"What's the catch?"

"There is none?"

"Are you serious? So you actually made me walk over to the creepiest part of school and encounter a very awkward scene with a bunch of people who didn't look welcomed by me when you could have just given the stupid pen to me during school?" I took a deep breath after my little rant.

"I just wanted to see your pretty face again" He was smirking now.

I let out a laugh and took the pen from him. "Okay, well thanks."

"Tell me your name." He stated simply.

I was reluctant to tell him my name at first. I knew this encounter was a one off so I decided against my thoughts.


He smiled and brought his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Alex" He repeated. "Alex what?"

"Um...Rae, Alex Rae." He smiled again and nodded his head.

"Are you new here?" I couldn't help but laugh at him. Sure I was quiet, but to be completely unnoticed amused me.

"I've been here as long as you have." He looked shocked but smiled apologetically at me.

"What's your name?"

"Flynn Carter, I'm surprised you don't know, since you've been going to the same school as long as I have"

"Well excuse me for not knowing the name of stuck up rich boys who think they're too good for everyone." I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth as soon as the words left my lips. He seemed unfazed but I still felt guilty.

"You're excused, as long as you don't forget."

"Yeah, I won't" I mumbled.

"Good. See ya round Alex" Without a second thought he turned and stared to jog back to the back building.

I watched him for a bit longer until he turned around and waved; clearly indicating he caught me watching him. I then turned around myself and began to walk home.


I opened the door to my home and was greeted by a sweet smell. I made my way to the kitchen to see Louise working hard. Louise is my mother's full time carer. She's been more then helpful. Louise is in her early forties and has been caring for my mother since I was 8. She has been much like a mother to me.

"Hello sweetheart." Lou greeted me with a warm smile.

"Hey, what are you making?"

"Spaghetti, your favourite." She responded with pride.

"It smells amazing. Thank you."

"Anytime dear."

" is she?" I knew my mother wasn't getting any better. The countless surgeries and CAT scans couldn't save my mother from the tumour in her brain. So ever since the doctors sent her home, to die 'peacefully', I knew that that meant she was going to pass soon. It was just a matter of when.

"Doing well, you can go see her if you'd like"

I made my way around to my mother's room and entered quietly. Her soft snores and steady rise and fall of her stomach soothed me. She doesn't deserve this. I softly placed my hand in hers gripping her warm hands.

I sat next to her for a few minutes, just enjoying my mother's casual breaths.

"School's almost over. Leyden and I planned on going camping for a few days. I haven't made any new friends. I don't really see the need. I mean, it's my last year of school, for forever might I add, and it's almost over, there's no point trying to make new friends right now. Leyden is enough,although I did meet boy today. He took my pen. He's kinda strange. His name,!. And yes, he is attractive."

"Lexi, your tea is ready!" I heard Lou call me from the kitchen.

"I better go mum, I love you." It's hard not hearing her say it back. My mother is all the family I have left. Well that I know of. Lou once said that she'll always be here for me; I hope she still goes by that, because once my mother is gone she's all I have.

Lou and I ate our tea is relative silence. She would briefly ask me about my day. And I'd ask her about hers. Once I was finished I said goodnight to Lou and my mother, before I started some homework in my room.

I looked over at my clock as it beeped 11:00pm. I pulled off my jumper and slid into bed. All the homework on my bed slid off carelessly. The sound of my message tone starttled me from my subconscious state. I flapped my hand arounf the table beside my bed in search for my phone.

11 Pink P's

11 Big trees

The message was one of the strangest I've ever recieved. The number was unknown to so I chose to ignore it. I set my book down and attempted to sleep.

It was very early in the morning when I woke to constant screams. A sudden wave of fear jolted through my body at the thought of it being my mother and Lou. I bolted out of bed and ran to my mother's room.

As I swung open her bedroom door I was met with quietness. Lou was also sound asleep. I sighed with relief. If it was my mother screaming Lou would have heard. I turned around and closed the softly behind me. As I made my way back to bed I heard absolutly nothing. The houe was as quiet as it normally is and nothing outside seemed out of place. I could hear the occasional car drive past, but other then that; complete quietness.

I thought back to the random text I had received earlier. 7 Pink P's; 7 Big Tree's. It's way to random to have anything to do with the scream.

So many thoughts raced through my mind. What if someone is being murdered? What if someone needs help? What if I imagined it?

I was almost too scared to move. I could feel my eyes drying from not blinking; they stayed wide open staring at nothing. My ears were waiting for another death defying scream. My body was sweating from fear. I stared off in front of me not really looking at anything.

During the long period of silence I made a mad dash to my room all out of fear based adrenaline. I climbed back into bed still slightly shaken up. Thankfully, I eventually fell back asleep.

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