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He wore our schools soccer jersey and a pair of tight black jeans with black converses. His hair was swept over to one side and occasionally fell onto his face covering a pair of vibrant blue eyes. I shouldn't be paying attention to the jocks but he was kinda gorgeous. Heck he was drop dead gorgeous. I don't think I had ever really looked at this boy before. Sure I had crossed him a few times in the hall, but I don't think I ever had time to analyse his features.

I was snapped out of my side gaze when another soccer player bumped into my table in an attempt to embrace the curly haired one in a bro hug. My pen slid off the table and in front of the curly haired jock. He lent down and picked it up. I held my hand out so he didn't have to lean as far to give it back. He looked at the pen then to me. He smiled and began to write some notes. He didn't give it back? Okay that's fine stranger you can use my pen.

"Nature vs. Nurture. Were we born to be us? Or are we who we are because of the people around us? People with a bad up brining tend to turn out bad. Is that because their influences' are bad or is it because it's in their parents genes? Many people believe nature overrules nurture and many believe nurture overrules nature. Is it one or the other? Or is it both? That's your assignment for the week. Tell me what you think. No word limit, but I want a respectful amount of work done. You have the rest of the session to yourselves."

I've always wondered why we are who we are. Could some of our characteristics possibly be passed down to us from our parents? Or are they just from our influences?

"Stella, what's your question?"

"Well, how do you prove them? Like how do you prove that Nature is more accurate then Nurture or Nurture is more accurate then Nature?" Stella twirled her long straight blonde hair around her pen before flicking it over her shoulder.

"Try and find some examples of them, and write which one looks to be more accurate in that situation. Then calculate and average. Be sure to use correct examples though." Mrs. Dot walked around the class and handed a slip of paper explaining the assignment to the class. I looked over to the boy with my pen. He was focused on whatever was in front of him. I figured I'd just get my pen off him after school. For the rest of class I tried to think of examples I could use for the assignment.

Soon after, the final bell rang. Once the class was dismissed, I followed the boy who took my pen down the hall.

"Excuse me." I stood right behind the boy. He didn't turn, just continued to rummage through his locker.

"Hey, excuse me." I voiced a little louder.

"Excuse. Me" I said even louder this time, his head whipped around to face me. My pen placed firmly on top of his ear.

"What?" His voice was more gorgeous then his looks.

"Is that my pen?" I pointed to the pen.

"Dunno you tell me" It's deep and raspy but has a steady tone to it. No one around here sounds like that. He raised his eyebrows and formed a straight line with his mouth.

"Well in that case yes it is. And if you don't mind I'd like it back thank you."

"What if I did mind?" He was beginning to irritate me now. Not that his voice wasn't something I could get sick of, but his smart comments are.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd just give me my pen. Whether you mind or not."

He slowly pulled the pen from above his ear and dangled it in front of me.

"It's a nice pen though, thought I might keep it."

"What made you think I don't want it?" I tried to grab it but he moved his hand up just was I went to grab it.

"Just, give me the pen and you won't have to talk to me ever again. It'll benefit us both." I gave him my best death stare in an attempt to show my seriousness.

"Now that would be no fun if I just gave it back, would it?" He smirked at me and dangled the pen in front of my face.

"No actually I think it would be lots of fun." I scoffed.

"Alright, gorgeous." His smirk grew wider as I frowned at him. "What if I buy you a new one?" He smirked again and shoved the pen back on top of his ear.


Before I could answer he turned and began to walk away. I walked after him. The halls started to clear and he turned back towards me. We stood only a few meters away from each other.

"If you really want your stupid pen back meet me behind the old school buildings in 10." He smirk at me and turned down the next hallway.

I turned back around and headed or my locker. As I was gathering all my things Leyden approached and said his goodbyes to me. I hurled my bag over my shoulder, grabbed my bus pass and made my way to the old school buildings.

It was severely vandalised and abandoned. Graffiti covered almost every wall, many windows were tapped over or had rock holes in them. I only ever had one class out here. And that was when I was a junior.

I could smell cigarette smoke as I approached the main back building. I turned the corner half expecting to see the boy from my psychology class smoking away with a few of his mates, with my pen still on his ear. But as I turned the corner I was met by an uncomfortable amount of eyes.

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