Chapter 3 - The Hate Eyes

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Chapter 3

The Hate Eyes

It was a little heard deciding where we should go first. 9 was kinda in the middle so we could go up, down and it would still take weeks maybe... I decided up to 12 first. I wanted to say something about Stassi... She was too young.. To delegate.. She shouldn't have gone in these games.. I didn't even realize that I was crying and Penetra was running my back.

I cried for a really long time not able to stop and we were already here. District 12... It wasn't as nice as 9 but, whatever. The air smelt dirty and polluted. Everyone was sticky covered in mud or dirt. I smiled at some people, but all they did was give me dirty looks to match their appearance.

I slowly got up on stage and practiced what I was going to say. No one was here yet because we were an hour early.

"I knew Stassi... she helped me get over things.. No... Stassi helped me win this. I won for her and my other loved one-"

I was interrupted by the mayor walking on stage giving me hate eyes. He spat at my shoes and I yelped a little. He narrowed his eyes at me and then walked away. Does he know what I did to help save Stassi? Well tried... I just sighed and continued my mumbling.

"I knew Stassi..."


The crowd made a small applause. I made a weak smile and quickly walked out. I walked into the building and sprinted out the door. Everyone called out my name but I shut then out. I hate myself... I should have let the shadowy figure kill me... I would be in less pain then I am now... I quickly sprinted to the train and then I felt a crack.

I fell on my face and screamed. It was horrific pain and I looked down to see what happened. I saw my bone popping out of my skin (A/N: Not literally lol she just broke her leg so yea lol). I screamed and looked for help. I saw people pass me giving me nothing. Not help or any sympathy. I began bawling my eyes out trying the control the pain but it didn't work.

I saw people laughing and kicking rocks at me. Then I saw a man kick a rock. It went flying and clashed into my bone. I screamed as loud as I ever had. Worse than the games.

"Help!!! Please, somebody, HELP!" I screeched.

But no one helped all they gave were, the hate eyes.


Sorry for such a sucky chapter ;(

I was rushing and don't worry the next one will be WAY better promise ;)

Remember all of these chapters are unedited so sorry for any mistakes.

Also sorry this is so short ;(

Anyway love ya!!!


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