chapter 3 unfamiliar

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POV Keith

Beep beep beep beep beep. What was that sound. Was an alarm clock? No the blades didn't use alarm clocks at least not to Keith's knowledge. Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep. What was that sound; it was starting to get on his nerves.

"-anything yet." Who was that. That wasn't Killavin or Ulaz and it sure as hell wasn't Shiro.

"No. They're still pretty out of it Blaytz." Blaytz? As in the original blue paladin?? What was going on? He needed to open his eyes and get up. He had to find Pidge and make sure that they were safe. Matt would likely kill him if he didn't. He tried to lift his arms but found them held down to something.
POV Alfor

The girl began to struggle against the straps holding her arms. Her eyes snapped open in horror. The girl glared and hissed at them angrily. She looked around the room calling out to someone called Pidge. Finding and hearing nothing she looked at us with such hatred.

"What have you done to Pidge.!" Her voice was loud and clear. She kept demanding to know where Pidge was.

"Blaytz I want you to go get the rest of the team." I said with a straight face.

"And leave you here by yourself? Fat chance Alfor." Blaytz responded. Slowly as to not startle the young girl, I walked towards her. I put my hands up to show her that I had no intention of hurting her. She struggled some more and stopped. Her ears lay flat against her head.

"Please calm down, I am just here to talk. Pidge is your friend yes? I believe she's still asleep in the other room." I kept my voice calm and gentle. She breathed heavily and looked at me as if I was lying. I slowly went to the control panel for her restraints.

"Umm... Alfor what are you doing?" Blaytz asked worriedly.

I turned my head twords him and spoke "Releasing her. If she is to trust us we need to show her that we trust her." I looked back at the girl. "I'm going to remove the restraints. Ok? Please wait till we are out of the room; then you can move around. Alright?" We moved twords the door and slowly left as the restraints lifted and fell away.

POV Keith

I watched as Alfor and Blaytz disappeared through the door. The restraints holding my arms disappeared into the bed. I waited 10 seconds and then got up or at least tried to. My legs felt like jelly, and I wobbled for a few seconds; I grabbed the bed for balance and let a breath I didn't know I was holding. I looked around the room for any thing that might help me find out what was going on. From a single glance I could tell that it was just a normal room. There are two doors off to my right one must have led to a bathroom the other probably a closet.
My mind is going a mile a minute, where was Pidge? Where was I? Where was the rest of the team? What happened? Was I in another alternate reality? Quizznack. I wish Shiro was here to help me calm down an-!
Something just touched my leg! I felt like I was being followed so I quickly turned around...but there was no one there. Something else twitched against my haed. As it moved again I headed towards the doors hopeing one would be a bathroom.
One of the doors opened up to a drak bathroom. I walked in cautiously, looking for a light switch. When the lights flashed on I was able to see a normal bathroom. By the wall near what might have been a sink was full length mirror.
POV Third Person

A high pitched screech could be heard from anywhere in the castle, startling the paladins. Immediately they all ran down to the cellblock to investigate. As Blaytz began to open the door to the young girl's room a pillow flew out and smacked him right in the face.
"What the hell did you DO! TURN ME BACK!" The rest of the paladins looked over to her. Her ears almost flat against the top of he head, practicly blending in with her hair, her tail stood up straight in agitation.
She took one step forward and ran at them.

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