chapter 6 Meeting Pidge

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It had been around three quintants since the galran girls first escape and they hadn't gotten her to talk at all. They tried to get her to open up to them but all the child did was cuss at them. Allura and Lotor had even tried to talk to her. They had suggested that they make the room more comfortable for her, so they removed her from her room for some exercise and added more decoration, more soft blankets, and pillows to make a nest with. Lotor and Allura had both picked out and given her a toy to snuggle with. Alfor had been very proud of the two of them for trying a more diplomatic approach to the child's situation.

But now they were coming to the end of the third quintant and there was still no sign of the other child waking. Tirgal had been sitting in front of the altean girl's room for the past two vearga, she was starting to get annoyed, where was Graygen. He was supposed to come back with food for the two of them at least half a Varga ago? What could be taking him so long to get to the castle’s kitchen? Was it really that far from the two rooms they had placed the girls in? She looked into the room through the security feed on the tablet Coran had given her for what must have been the fifth time in the last Dobosh.

The child’s hair was short (which was odd for an Altean) light brown color, and her green marks were just as odd. One of them pointed up at her eye the other was normal. She pulled up the child's vitals and they were fine so why was she still asleep? And who was she, and where had she come from? Was she Pidge that the other child had demanded to know about? Honestly, if they could just figure that out if they were friends it would make their jobs so much easier. They couldn’t just say that they were spies sent to destroy them, at least not without proof they couldn’t.

Could they? No no they couldn’t do that they didn’t even know them and they couldn’t just assume things about the girls, that would be rude. If the galran child would talk with them, any of them civilly it would be enough for her. Tirgal looks up from her pad once more to see Graygen walking down with a tray full of food and … Blaytz? Why had he brought Blaytz down with him?

“Sorry, that took so long. We figured after you ate you might want to go change your clothes and shower. You need time away from that screen.” Graygen said to her softly. “Blaytz came down so you could rest.”

“I do not need to rest right now, I'm fine. Besides, they might wake and I wish to be here when that happens. I have some questions for her.” She stated. Honestly, it wasn’t like she was holding herself up down here. She wasn’t as bad as Alfor was in his lab, void it could take quintets to drag him away from there. Then her pad beeped, an alert from the Altean child's room. Something was wrong with her vitals, how could this be?! Did they measure out the correct dose of medicine for the girl's size? So what was happening?

Tirgal stood quickly, she had to disconnect the fluid from the girl's arm before it did serious damage. “Go get Alfor now, something is wrong. I’m going in to see what I can do to fix this.” Tirgal rushed inside the room and over to the bed. The child’s body was spasming, she needed more help. Someone had to hold the girl’s body still so she could safely take out the IV in her arm.

“Blaytz went to get Alfor. What do you need me to do?” Graygan asked her quickly, rushing to her side.

Tirgal looked over to him and explained what had to happen, “Hold her body down. Try to make it so she doesn’t move too much, I must remove the IV from her now.”

“But doesn’t she need that?” he argued, his hands already moving to hold the child still.

“No, the meds are shutting her body down. If we don’t remove it she could die.” she knew that he had not seen the readings on the pad, they could not let the girl die. “On three.” first she stopped the IV from dripping. “One. Two. Three!” Grabbing the needle she slipped it out of her arm and pulled the stand away from the edge of the bed. Graygan activated the straps to stop the girl from shaking. Graygan looked over to her, his face contorted in worry, they both looked back to the girl. Her spasms had slowed but sadly they had not stopped completely.

The child had been on these meds for two quintants, why had it just now starting to affect her? Could she be a hybrid as well, this was the only explanation her mind could come to.

“Graygan can please fetch my datapad, please. I left it out in the hall, I’m going to scan her body again and update the evaluation we have on her.” Tirgal asked quickly, she moved over to the edge of the bed so she could set up the scan.

Graygan was shocked, not just nine doboshes ago she looked ready to eat him and Blaytz alive because they had suggested she take a break! Graygan didn’t understand how both Tirgal and Alfor could go days doing studies and not eating. He worried for her, if she had no regard for her health then it was up to him to make her.

“I do not think that is a good idea right now. You need to eat and rest up, send a new command to your people.”

“These girls take priority. We have not learned anything from the first child and with the way things are going with this one, I don’t want to take any more chances.” Tirgal answered back sharply.

“You have been here studying these girls and on Altea for too long. There will be a better time to come back and check on them both later. Alfor will let you know as soon as she is-”

“But she could be in this state for a very long time, I am trying to wake her from this comma before it is too late.” tirgal cut him off; her face full of displeasure and offense. Graygen was one of her closest friends and normally never criticized how she worked before. Maby these children were putting off some kind of chemical that affected how they thought?

“It is not too late: with the amount of medical treatment on Altea she will be sure to wake soon.” Graygan argued back, honestly how much more stubborn could she be!


POV Pidge

The first thing I heard when I began to wake up was arguing. But it didn’t sound like Shiro or Matt so it must have been some of the blades. They had just got back from a joint mission with them and they were… wait no that didn’t sound like Ulaz or Corran. Who were these two people? Wait where was Kieth?! And what was that about being spies?

Slowly I sat up and looked around the room even if it was a little blurry. On the right side of the bed, there was a bedside table on which my glasses rested, I quickly grabbed them and slid the frames over my face. Now that the room was less blurry I could see that I was in the castle ship if the plain white walls were anything to go off of. There was a door to the front of the room, and two doors on the left side of the bed; one was probably a bathroom and the other a closet. Finally, my eyes settled back on the two people arguing at the end of the bed.

“You know if they were sent to kill any of us then they should have sent more people!”

“Maybe so but we can’t know that until we this one wakes! The other girl is completely uncooperative!”

I listened to them for two tics, had they even noticed that I had gotten up? “They are right here, awake, listening and can speak for themselves.”

Two heads turned to look at her. Eyes wide and voices silent. There that should teach them to not argue in the same room someone is sleeping in.

Aurthers note: hey guys! Happy Easter and so sorry for taking forever to update but school has been auful to me these last few months. In a few weeks I'll be taking my final exams and I'm pretty sure its gonna kill me! but I wante dto get this out before then so hear you go.

Cross your fingers this just got harder.

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