Getting to know you

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Chapter seven

Zarkon walked towards the kits room. He wondered if she really even was a she. He knew that Alteans only had two genders but his people had both sometimes. It was rare but it happened, and if that was so he and the others could have misgendered the kit. Zarkon sighed and entered the child’s room, slowly as not to startle them he moved to a small table that Corran had put in. The kit had refused to come out to eat with any of them. Even when Honerva had tried to talk with the child the most she had gotten was that they had missed their fathers. Fathers, that were probably losing their minds but why had no one contacted him, if these two children had just been taken then they should have heard about it by now. 

“Go away.” the kit says from the small nest they have made. It was a bit muffled but still clear.

“No. It has come to my attention that I and my fellow paladins my have misgendered you. I would like to correct that. If you’ll let me?”

“Why? You all seem pretty sure I’m a girl.”

“Because as much as you refuse to believe it, I do want to help you and I can’t do that if I don’t have all the information on you.” As he waited for the response his communicator lit up with an alert.

“I’m a boy. names...Keith.”

“Hello Keith, it is nice to meet you. I am Emperor Zarkon, do you know where you are? Or how you got here?” He asked carefully, this was the most the kit, no Keith, had said about anything without fighting. Even if is name was all he got, it would be a start. When Keith poked his out of his nest to slowly shake his head no, Zarkon noticed that he was paler than yesterday. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his ears drooped as if he was fighting to stay awake. The poor thing looked ready to fall asleep.

“You are in a recovery room in the Castle of Lions. It belongs to my friend King Alfor.” As he was speaking his communicator lit up again, and again. He turned it off and focused on trying to get Keith to talk.


When Blaytz had come running at lunch, Alfor’s first thought was the other girl had woken up. Not that she might be dying! So he did the most reasonable thing he could think of, run down to her room and hope he got there in time. But as he neared the room he was able to hear the ends of a conversation. He stopped just before the door, pulling out his communicator he sent word to Zarkon that the other child had woken up. He looked over to Blaytz, relief flooded his face as he also heard the conversation between the young girl.

- asshole drew with permanent marker on my face. It’s not funny.” Alfor’s eyebrows rose, what was it with these children and cussing.


Pidge looked between the two people in front of them. Their faces were shocked as in it didn't make sense to them the child was awake the whole time. How long or... had she just woken up when they had come in. The tall woman was focused on her face as if trying to figure her out.

Tirgal was glad the child was awake maybe they could get some answers from her.

"My dear we’re glad you are awake. I am Tirgal and this is my friend Greygen. How are you feeling?"

"Like I really need to pee, where's the bathroom?"

"Through that door, you will find the bathroom. May I ask what your name is?” Greygen asked gently. 

Pidge stood up slowly and walked over to the door Greygen pointed at. They didn’t even look at the mirror. Completely focused on using the bathroom.

 “My names Pidge." As Pidge stood to wash their hands they looked up at the mirror. As they looked at themself in the mirror they realized there was something on their face. Why were there green triangles on her face and why weren’t they coming off?! She rushed out of the bathroom looking at the two people in the room with her. 

“Okay, what asshole drew with permanent marker on my face. It’s not funny.”Pidge was not amused, they had just woken up with people they didn’t know around them, and in a room they were sure was not theirs.

“Young lady we do not talk like that.” A new voice said clearly. A man with a warm brown skin and teal triangles on his cheeks. Pidge’s eyes widened in clear shock and then narrowed in suspicion. This man looked like the hologram that tried to kill them, and that could only mean two things. One they were in an alternate reality, (again) or they were dead. Pidge really hoped it was the first one.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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