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(Kassie’s POV)

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(Kassie’s POV)

It's a cold, crisp morning as I make my way through a town town that is two over from where the Uplands live to an inn. I take a shaky breath and enter quickly even though I am not afraid of who I am here to see I am very nervous. Scanning the room I spot who I am here to meet, and before I can move the innkeeper's wife approaches me. “Can I help you?”

“Oh, I'm just here to meet someone, and they are right over there.” I smile, and she follows my gaze. “Alright.” She says. “Shall I announcing you?”

“Um, no thank you. That won't be necessary.” I say. “May get a mug of tea, please? That is if it isn't too much to ask.”

“Not at all!” She says and I hand her a silver coin and then make my way to the table. The gentleman and older woman look up as I approach. “Kassie, my dear, what brings you here?”

“Today is my day off, and I have news that may interest you.” I say leaning down and kissing her cheek before I turn to the gentleman who has stood up. “I have missed you my love.” I say kissing him quickly and returns the kiss. “As have I.” He says offering me a seat. I sit and before I tell them my reason for meeting with them the innkeeper’s wife come with my tea. I thank her with a polite smile and watch as she leaves. “Where are the children?”

“They are in the room with the servant.” Mother says, and I nod. “So my dear, you said you have news?” I nod. “Yes, but I would rather not discuss it here in the common room. May we go up to see the children, and then I shall tell you.” They agree and we make our way up to their room.

“Mommy!” Two little ones come running over. “Hello, my children!” I say kisses each in turn. “Have you been good for your grandmother and father?” They nod. “Yes Mommy!”

“Good! Now run along and play! I have somethings I need to discuss with your father and Grandmother.”  I watch as they go off to play, and then turn my attention back to my Mother and husband. “As much as I want to enjoy my time here and spend it with the children, I do have news that will interest you concerning the Wicked Witch.” I smile wickedly. “I believe I have found our ticket to begin to set our agenda in motion.”

“Then my child, please tell us what it is.” Mother says as we all sit down. I take a drink of tea that I brought up that had now gone cold and make a face. I use a little magic to heat it. When that is done I begin to tell them. “A couple weeks ago an interesting turn over events happened in which Elphaba found out about Glinda spending a night sleeping and making out with her ex husband after she had already left him to be with her.”

“I don't see what that has to do with anything?” My husband says, and take his hand and smile. “Oh but it has a lot to do with it. You see, Elphaba called off being with Glinda sort of, and when things finally snapped between them Glinda told Elphaba she wished Elphaba had died. Needless to say, Elphaba ran away.”

“So she is on the loose again?” Mother asks leaning forward, and I shake my head. “No, she isn't. You see Glinda went after her. Apparently she had a change of heart. The issue is when they finally realize Elphaba had left it was dark and raining. Long story short, Elphaba is now basically on an unofficial bed rest until she recovers. She had a rather nasty crash in which she got a severe head injury. The doctor isn't quite sure if she will have full memories or how much use she may have of other skills.”

“I think I see what you are getting at.” Mother says, and my husband nods as well before he adds, “You think there maybe a way to insure she does forget some skills?”

“Oh there is a way!” I say quickly, and this time Mother nods and replied. “Kassie is speaking of Forkroot.” I nod in agreement.

“Not meaning to sound ignorant, but what is Forkroot? I haven't ever heard of it.”  

“That's because it is not found in our world.” Momsie says. “It comes from another world.”

“Then may I be so bold to ask how you got some, and what exactly it does?” My husband asks. “I got the Forkroot  from a caster that had appeared here many years ago. I learned of where she was from  and traveled there to obtain some. It is an herb that when made into a tea can cause a caster to not be able to use their power. It cuts them off from it, but if they get too large a dose it will not only cut them off from their powers it will render then unconscious.” she grins and laughs a little at the thought. “I believe my dear, you indeed did find the key to bringing her down.”

“So you will give me some Forkroot?”

“Yes my dear, but you must not rush the effects. We don't want people to get suspicious.” She warns, and I nod. “Yes, Mother.” She goes and gets a small sack of it, and gives it to me. “Remember it must be roasted and ground finely otherwise it won’t work the way we want it to, and when you run out I will give  you more.”

“Thank you, Mother. I understand, and I will make certain nobody knows or suspects.” I smile and give her a slight hug and kiss. “Good luck my dear.” She says  before I turn to my husband. “I cannot wait until we can be together again, and not have to worry about all this bringing our name down.” I say to him.

“Neither can I.” My husband says and we kiss. “Tell me darling, must you rush back already? You did say you had today off did you not?”

“I do, and I would love to stay and visit for a little bit before I have to head back.” I smile at him as we enter the room where the children are playing. They run over when they see me. “Mommy! Is it time for you to leave?” My daughter asks quietly pouting, and I smile at here. “I actually have a few hours before I have to leave, and would love it if we could spend that time together.” They both squeal excitedly and give me a hug. “Yay!”

“Come along now children, if we are to have anytime together.” My husband says and the four of us head out the door to spend the remainder of the day together.

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