Never enough.

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(A/N: I love this song and the greatest showman. My favourite is actually 'This Is Me', and this song is just amazing as well! I highly recommend you watch the movie! This is just a short chapter focusing on Roman and Virgil, and it's fluff, so much fluff, but without any confessions of love. I mean, I wouldn't skip because there is so much fluff I'm almost drowning in it and it's actually averagely good, which is surprising for me. Enjoy!)

When everything was set up and in order, mainly the snacks and DVD player, Virgil was again trying to believe that he'd managed to land bunking with his crush and then that he was going to be in the same bed as him.

But then there were the cons. Like the fact that Roman clearly has just suggested it so that if he had an attack, he could help, and that Roman probably didn't even like him in that way. The second was that Roman would eventually get tired of bunking with him, (Cmon, everyone gets tired of  constant anxiety at some point. It just brings the mood down.)  and kicking him out, and then he'd be stuck in his room, alone, and afraid to come out.


But for now, he was sitting cross legged on Roman's bed, waiting for Roman to return with snacks. And in the meantime, he was fiddling with the hem of his sleeve, wishing that it was actually possible for him to sleep with makeup on without freaking out in the morning. However, seeing as this was not going to happen, he felt nervous again about two things, that A), if he slept with makeup on, which was not happening, it would damage his skin, and he'd freak out, and B), if he didn't, there was a chance he'd end up blushing his head off and he's not a great liar, despite everything.

He sighed, attempting to relax himself. It was fine, he'd be fine, they'd be fine, and it was better than staying outside fearing for his life. At that moment, Roman returned with snacks, and placed them down on the bedside table, which they'd cleared. "You have no idea how difficult it is carrying snacks from the real world to the imagination." He commented, dusting his hands and arms off as he sat across from Virgil.

Virgil smiled, slightly comforted by his presence. "Yeah, I've never really done that." Virgil said softly, avoiding his eyes. Roman looked worried for a moment, as Virgil fiddled more with the hem of his sleeve, and moved a little closer, surprising Virgil.

"Uhm. Hi." Virgil said, surprised by the movement closer. Gosh, he was so adorable. The way his eyes shone with worry, how he had his hair all messy from carrying snacks, how every feature of his face seemed to express his every emotion-was he worried about Virgil? Had Virgil done something wrong? Maybe he was wasting time worrying about him?

"Are you okay, Virgil? You look upset. I promise, you can tell me everything and anything." Roman said, taking Virgil's hands cautiously, and Virgil was already pretty much a tomato from the redness. He was so glad the extra foundation on his cheeks was paying off. Roman looked so beautiful, all the time, his every feature etched like a painting to show concern, his skin as clear as the river and his eyes being as brown as the bark on a tree.
I'm trying to hold my breath,

"I-I'm....I'm fine." Virgil said, shaking his head so the bangs drifted further down his face. "Just...drowning out, I guess. I'm still nervous. About it." Virgil choked out, turning away from Roman's glance, and weakly attempting to take his hands from Roman's. Virgil's hands felt cold, like he was wearing a jumper in the middle of winter but constantly holding ice. Roman looked at Virgil, seeing the stars in his mocha eyes, and the soft hair floating gently above his eyes, adding to the feel his jumper gave off.
Let it stay this way,

Virgil turned to look back at Roman, who hadn't realised he'd been staring. "That's fine. I'm a little scared too, and I'm the bravest prince in all the land." Roman joked, making Virgil laugh, and he chuckled as well. Virgil's laugh, one of the many things Roman had noted were his favourite about Virgil. He didn't laugh often, but when he did, his whole face twisted into a smile and for a moment, a pure moment, you could see the stars burning brightly in his eyes, and a melodic sound of laughter pouring from his mouth. It was perfect, one of Roman's favourite sounds.
Can't let this moment end.

Maybe I can control this. (A Yandere Patton AU fan fiction.) Where stories live. Discover now