Chapter 3⃣1⃣

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Chris :

Every since we left the hospital I been feeling kinda off like something is missing and somebody hiding something from me .

My babygirl she's sleep in her crib right now and for me I'm just chilling waiting for her to start crying I'm actually bored without Tammy here she seemed a little pale when I talked to her before I left .

Chris , you need to see Tammy dear " my mama said

Why mom she's fine " I said standing up going in the kitchen .

My mom stayed lastnight she said she wanted to see how I was going to do my first night here alone with the baby I can say I did pretty damn good , but y'all know how my mother is if she feels like something not going to be right she will stay on your ass .

Chris , I know something is wrong just talk to her . I can watch the baby I once a mother you know " my mama said .

Yeah , you once a junkie too " I thought to myself .

Okay ma , Tammy is doing okay but I'm gone go " I said grabbing my keys off the sofa .


When I got the hospital there we doctors surrounded around Tammy .

Yo what y'all doing to my girl ?! " I said pushing them .

We are helping her sir now can please step out " the doctor said pushing me out then shutting the door in my face .

To waste time I got on my phone and looked on twitter it was a bunch of bull shit some stuff I didn't care for .

I notice that I didn't block karrueche off my twitter she was tweeting some silly shit , and to be honest she's mad delusional I should've listen to the homies .

I got off the app and locked my phone and waited for the doctors to come out .

Mr.Chris? " the doctor said tapping on me .

Yeah , wassup is she alright ? " I said

Yeah , she's fine but you need to go speak to her " the doctor said walking off .

I walked in the room and to be honest Tammy looked way different from yesterday , her hair looked a complete mess and all the tubes we hooked up too her but she still was smiling .

Hey , baby come sit down " she said in a weak tone .

Tammy what is wrong with you ? why were all those doctors crowded around you like that ? " I said grabbing her hand .

Chris , I love you know that right ? " she said smiling .

Quit talking crazy Tammy you know I love you to the moon and back , I love you and my babygirl I wouldn't trade y'all for nothing " I was crying whatever Tammy was going to tell me wasn't going to be good .

Chris , they say that I'm dying ' I'm loosing too much blood baby " she said wiping my tears .

I'll give you my blood then Tammy ! You can't go anywhere your daughter needs you I need you ! " I said standing up .

Chris , calm down they tell me I'm dying and god he tells me I'm not so therefore I'm not Chris , you have be strong for me " she said hugging me .

I will be strong I promise baby I said rubbing my hands threw her hair .

Tammy :

Chris was rubbing his hand threw my hair , he was very scared he was scared for me and I'm I scared of dying ? No .

God told me lastnight he gots it all under control and I trust him , I haven't told Mama J anything but once Chris goes back home he will tell her and she probably sent him here she can sense when something is wrong how I do I know she knows this stuff ? I have no idea .

My mama sent me here Tammy " Chris said smiling.

I know your mama is a wonderful woman she knows when something is wrong " I said .

I see , I'll be a better man Tammy for our family I promise " Chris said kissing me .

No need to promise Chris , I knew you were going to be better your doing for yourself . You been through a lot Chris and it's time for a change .

I know Tammy , don't go preacher mood on me " he said laughing .

Shuddup nigga " I said pushing him .

Moments like this makes me realize how much of a good guy Chris is yeah he made mistakes everybody does even me but Chris is improving he's showing me he really cares and he's love me , trusting him is going to be hard but as the days go by I think my trust for him will come back .

I'm staying the night " Chris said kissing my forehead .

I missed you I'm happy Chris " I said grabbing his face and kissing him .

I'm happy if your happy baby now hush " Chris said putting his fingers over my mouth .

I know I'll be getting out of here soon and just as I do , I'll be with my family...

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