chapter 4

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same day
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Nyasia//Ny p.o.v
After that shit that happens with GG I was heated as fuck but we gonna move in silence to show her we don't need her shit fuck that ion know why i didn't trust my grandaddy when he said she was grimey and that was his own mama as i quote 'my own mama turned her back on me and that's my mama' those was his exact words hours before he went into cardiac arrest for the 2nd time last year passsing away.

"Yo I'm ready to fucking go"peach said as we walked around the pet store we mugged her

"You the reason why we here''hayden said blowing smoke in her face as this familiar face came up to us.

''you can't smoke in here even though i would'' that familiar voie i haven't heard since i moved from baltimore

''BAMBI!'' i yelled as they turned around and screaming

''I KNOW THAT AIN'T NY SHAPED LIKE A FRY'' she yelled calling me by my childhood nickname making kiya laugh and bambi mug her.

''damn i forgot they ain't fuck with each other'' niya whispered to me i nodded as babi and kiya had a staring contest

''why you all in mouth Ms.Ahkiya''bambi asked taking her earrings off making peach instantly take her earrings off and put her box braids in a ponytail handing them to hayden as he shook his head cause kiya was doing the exact same thing.

''why does it matter what my momma does i will bat the fuck outta you sir i will make you wanna be a nigga again better ask about me'' peach sais geting into fighting stanse

''ok bambi we just came here for a damn monkey''hayden said as bambi mugged him and walked us over the monkeys

''why you had to get the biggest and most expense on niecy''hayden asked making peach smirked cause she know he gonna buy it

''why you have to buy the biggest bag of weed. why you buy $1900 worth of weed monthly dont play''peach said

''man you blew my high bambi come put this monkey back in a cage ''hayden said mugging kiya she returned it

'' if you dont buy me this fucking monkey i will tell those niggas yo whereabouts in not finna play''said making hayden instantly pull out 6 bands giving it to her with quickness

''how those she know all this she is to smart i love itt'' bambi dragged we all mugged kiya Bambi gave me that 'should have known' look

''ok come on uncle smoke i need some pretty clothes for him'' peach said he still aint move so she pulled out her phone and facetiming somebody

''hey mr.sherbert...i know but i like sherbert better...mally stop talking to me i will get my mama to beat baby tay mama ass...i know where smoke bitch ass at...yup his uglyass right here...squeak i will get bambi to beat yo ass'' peah said making hayden mugg her then look scared then bambi laughed along wit us

''yall not finna kill by brother g-ouu who that fine nigga inna back''nana said making us look at her shock cause she barely talked about shit like this she never really came out her shell towards us on papa and hayden when he died she never really talked she only really talks to hayden, when she does talk it about who we gonna kill. whats the plan shit like that.

''thats my nigga bibby''herb said as nana licked her lips

"wassup ma" who im guessing bibby said

''damn zaddy look at yo lips ill ride yo face any day '' nana said making me gasp as he chuckled

''he sound like his dick big''kiya and bambi said at the same time mugging eachother then laughed and hugged .wow.

''wowwwwwwwwww''niya dragged i laughed

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