Chapter 13

328 13 2

Savannah , Georgia
Niya p.o.v
"You ready" I asked cam he sighed and nodded as I knocked on my aunt Monica door she opened it

"Oh my god baby I missed you so much" she said covering her mouth I pulled her in for a hug she hugged back

"Hello" she said giving cam a side hug

"Where's myanna " I asked looking Around

"Probably upstairs on the itablet itelephone thingy you got her talking to Sadie or Kylie" she said adjusting her glasses looking Damien up and down

"Stay here I'll be back" I told him peeking in her from seeing g her playing a game I knocked she looked up

"Mommy " she screamed jumping on me I hugged her back

"I missed you" I said kissing her check

"I miss you more" she said as I carried her downstairs and put her down

"Hey babygirl " dam said looking at her she hid behind my legs I chuckled and picked her up

"It's ok yanna this is Damien " I said she looked at me with those big eyes then at Damien

"Hello mr." she said he chuckled

"I wanna go to Damien " she whispered to me I put her down and she held her arms up to him he picked her up and she instantly started smiling

"Come sit " Monica said we followed her too the couch yanna started playing with Damien chain as we sat down

"So what's up why did you come" she asked I mugged her

"Fuck you mean why did I come . My damn daughter here" I mugged her Damien looked up from yanna

"Mhm"she mumbled eyeing Damien who was playing with yannas fingers

"Man we finna go " I rolled my eyes and got up Damien put yanna down I hugged her and walked to the door

"Mommy I wan go with you" she cried I sighed and picked
Her up

"I'm taking my child " I said going upstairs packing her a little bag

"Mhm she's gonna be back" she mumbled

"Whatever you know why she was here in the first place " I said handing her the bag

"Ha I been telling him your whereabouts. " she said I looked up at her

"Why" I asked looking her in her eyes

"He deserves to see his child Janiya " she yelled I mugged her

"And you know that he tried to kill me multiple times while I was pregnant with her and why would you try to put her in harms way" I yelled back she smirked

"I hope he kills you and that little bastard baby your tryna bring into this world" she spat Damien mugged her

"Die slowly bitch" he spat slamming the door I sighed and went to the car

"You good " I asked rubbing his shoulder

"Don't fucking touch me" he smacked my hand off

"What's wrong " I asked confused on why he was acting like this

"You is what's wrong since I met you shit ain't been right , then I got yo stupid ass pregnant that makes it even worse " he said I just did not respond


"Flight 416 to Panama is boarding now you have 3 minutes to report to terminal 5" I sighed grabbed a sleeping Myanna and showed them our tickets and nodded the plan

Welp fuck it Damien said what he felt I guess her ass felt some type of way🤣 Damien don't want ha ass nomore he done with the shit.

I don't even know what I be writing

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