Chapter 20

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Gee p.o.v
"Don't touch me " I said to chelsey as she tried to hug me

"Ok Gee loosen up " she rolled her

"Daddy it's dirty in here " kylie scratched her leg

"Come hea' " I said picking her up walking to the lil chair with father shit on it and sat down with peach on my lap

"Hi" Chelsey mama smiled I awkwardly smiled back

"Wassam" I shook her hand

"This must be your little girl" she smiled

"Yes" Kylie fake smiled

"I will see you guys later" ha mama waved walking away

"Gee can I talk to you bout something" Chelsea asked I shrugged and followed her to a room

"Gee why you don't like me" she asked as we got in the room I scrunched my face

"Look I got a girl a- No you don't Garret I asked Nyasia and she said your a single man" I started but was cut off

"Well I still don't want you man when we fucked it was accident Ian saying that baby was accident " I said making sure she understood

"Whatever all I want is to be with you I love- bye " she started but I cut her off and walked in the door grabbing Kylie and leaving

"Unt Unt Why you cvback so early that baby shower don't end till 6 it's 5:27 " Ny asked looking at her watch

"Mane chelsey tried me with that bullshit" I said laying in the bed

"Whaaaa" she said I smacked my teeth

"She asked me why we can't be together and saying she love me and shit " I shook my head

"Yeah that was ya cue to leave I will beat her down pregnant or not she not finna steal my baby daddy "she said with a straight face letting me know she was serious

"Maneee" I said thinking bout that shit

"But anyways my babyshower next month on the twenty-third" ny rolled her eyes

"Why yo-BANG BANG" I started but was cut off by the door Ny fast zoomed her ass I just stayed in the bed

Ny p.o.v
Yes" i furrowed my eyebrowa ay the 3 cops

"We're looking for Garret burton " the back officer said I bit my lip in the inside just as gee was coming down stairs

"Ay" Gee asked they pushed past me almost knocking me down

"Mane she pregnant" Gee said as the put handcuffs

"Garret burton you are being arrested for the murder of Quinton givens and Fredrick sins you have the right to remain silent anything you say or do will Be used against you in the court of law" the officer said making me want to break down

"I love you Mane call damien" Gee sis da s they put him in the police car

" murdering Fredo and quick" I said to Damien he sighed

"Shit" he cursed under his breath making me look at him

"What are we gonna do" I asked in the verge of tears

"I mean I could get him out but it would take at least 7 months to a year " he said making me break down

"That's to long " I cried on his shoulder

" I know sis" he said rubbing my back

Y'all gee done fucked up 🤦‍♀️ I can't believe that shit ☹️



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