Chapter 12

370 16 1

January 24
Gee p.o.v
" Bonnie move" I said tryna get her head off my chest

"Why I can't lay on you" she asked I didn't even respond ,she did it again I pushed her off

"I bet you let that bitch lay on you , I'm yo girlfriend there ain't no difference" she said I mugged her

"She not a bitch and their is a difference a big difference " I said looking at the time

"What's the difference " she yelled throwing my pillow I mugged her those pillows cost $60

"Don't throw my fucking shit and the difference is I love her unlike I love yo stupid ass shit I barely like you , the head good tho" I yelled at her She started crying and threw the picture of me and ny that was on my dresser on the ground and I heard ky crying and beating on my door I opened it and picked her up

"What's wrong Kylie" I said as she cried in my bare chest

"I want to go to ny house I don't like Bonnie" she screamed while crying I rubbed my free hand on my face because it's all my fault

"I know mama did Bonnie wake you " I asked putting her down she mugged me

"Yes daddy I don't like her hoe ass" she cried as Bonnie smirked

"Gee your gonna let that brat talk down on me like that" she asked I mugged

"Fuck You mean Kylie can say whatever the fuck she want" I said as Kylie held on to my leg still crying

"It's me or the brat" she yelled making Kylie jump and hold on to my leg tighter

"Get the fuck out what kinda question is that y'all goes exhausting " I said putting Kyliein her room and walking my my room 10 minutes later I heard something fall

"Daddy" kylie screamed I hopped up grabbing my .30 from under my pillow and going in her room

"Come on" I said she was shaking I sighed and held her and walked downstairs and saw Bonnie throwing my pans I gave her that '😧' face cause I don't know what that stupid bitch think this is gonna solve

"Mane Get the fuck out you got my daughter scared to death"'I said she sucked her teeth and slammed my back door I locked it behind her

"D-d-Daddy I wanna g-go to ny house" Kylie shook out Ian never saw my daughter like this and to think that it's all my fault

"You got yo phone"I asked she nodded I grabbed her bag by the door my phone,keys and left

"Daddy you gon stay" kylie asked as I pulled in my driveway

"Ion know" I said getting her out and she was still shaking I sighed and rung the doorbell. Twice and ny opened it eating some gummy bears

"What the fuck wrong wit ky " she said picking her up and Kylie stopped shaking

"Mane Bonnie" I shook my head ny rolled her eyes and I followed her in the house to her room

"Why she shaking tho" she asked I shrugged

"Bonnie and daddy was yelling she called you Bitch and daddy said you not and she threw something scaring me" ky explained ny hit me upside my head

"Got that stupid hoe scaring my baby " she said taking her robe off revealing her sports bra and shorts

"You wanna sleep in here or in the other room" ny asked wrapping her gummy bears up

"In here " ky said going to the middle of the bed

"Hey princess" I said kissing ny stomach she tried not to smile

"I missed you" ny sung playing in my hair I chuckled

"You did" I asked she nodded and kissed me getting on top I rubbed her ass

"Y'all got me fucked up"Kylie yelled making ny burst out laughing I smacked my teeth

"Mane you a cockblocker" I mumbled she shot me a bird and left out the room

" I miss this man " I said as ny laid on my chest and I played in her hair

" I do too but everything happened for a reason" she said i scrunched my face

"So you tryna say that we wasn't meant to be" I asked sitting up she smacked my chest

"Did I say that no , so shut the fuck up and lay the fuck back" she said I sucked my teeth

"You don't tell me what to do" I said laying down she smirked

"But you did it so shut up gee" she said I rolled my eyes

"Ouch Kylie damn" I head nana yell then I got up and went in there and saw nana on the floor and my in the middle of the bed I thumped her and she started being extra

"Ahhh ny he beat me I think my leg broke"she screamed jumping on the floor I held my mouth wide open my cane running in the room beating me then picked Kylie up she smirked as ny carried her out the room

"Man" I said going in ny room and saw ky on the bed twitch both her hands behind her head I rolled my eyes and laid behind ny

"What you think we should name the baby" she asked o thought long and hard

"I don't know what you been thinking of" I asked she shrugged

"China or something niya " she said I rubbed her stomach

"I'm not finna name my baby after a pitch fork shaped stripper" I said shaking my head

"Then what you wanna name her " she asked

"Chiniya royalty" I said she turned around with big eyes

"I love it "she said laying on my chest I smiled

"I wanna get back like this" ny said I sighed

"Don't you got a nigga" I said referring to the dude from yesterday

"Mane fuck him " she said I laughed

"What he do " I asked

"So this sorry bitch keep tryna fuck and I'm like nah Nd he gon try to get mad I think he got a wife or something i don't care I only used him to eat my pussy but I've had better " she shrugged I nodded I like when we can talk about shit like this before anything we were best friends

"Ion even know what to say" I said shaking my head

"Do you even want me back" she asked looking me in my eyes

"You know I want you back" I said

"Then you got me " she said kissing me i kissed back

"I hope it last forever " she said before I went to sleep

Y'all 1 away from the comments goal🙃ian that mean

Y'all like the baby name? I don't care if y'all don't like it🤷‍♀️


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