Spin off/Sequel?

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So first things first, yes Dark Blue is over. I'm sorry to anyone that enjoyed it, but like I said towards the beginning, it was a short story. So now, I'm bringing you a few options.

1) A sequel

Now I've already said that Dark Blue would probably have a sequel called Vanilla Twilight. However, I've been thinking about it and sort of want to keep their ending to your interpretation.

However, if you guys really want it, I just might publish it.

2) The spin off series

I've actually been working on this stranger series for awhile. I've already started with one of the stories, but if you want me to continue, I will. They would be:

- Fluorescent Adolescent - Luke (Started already)

- No Idea - Michael (Coming Mid July)

- Oblivion - Ashton (Coming August)

3) Both

So just comment telling me what you want and I'll put it into consideration.

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