Chapter 6: Family Day

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*Ben's POV*
It's been a couple of days since my date with Mal. I was so excited to be crowned king I may have forgotten that she did spell me. It was time for me to be fitted into my outfit for the coronation, and I was excited to say the least. My dad and mom walked in after I had put the outfit on and my dad said "I can't believe you're going to be king tomorrow" and I smiled. My mom said "Well he is sixteen now" and I smiled more. Then they left to let me try the rest of the stuff I will be wearing for the coronation and then we went to Family day at my school.

*Mal's POV*
I was sitting in class, answering the questions and then when class was almost over Fairy godmother said she had a surprise for us. "Since, it's bring your family to school day, and due to your parents being unable to come due to uh distance we've arranged a special treat for you." She turned this small computer screen on and our parents were on the screen, trying to figure out how to use the computer. My mother asked for the remote and said things like "its not on" and "I dont even know if I'm pressing the right button." Carlos was holding Dude and was worried his mother was going to say something rude about it. Jay was watching Carlos for signs of sadness, I swear those two have been acting weird since we got here. Then my mom called my name and I realized I had zoned out, "Yes mother?" I replied. She smiled "when can I see you?" She asked and almost blew our cover. I thought for a moment "Soon" she let out an exasperated sigh and blurted out "How soon" in a menacing tone. I sighed under my breath and said "After the coronation, which is Friday." She smiled, and then Cruella perked up, "Carlos is that a dog?! He would make for a perfect sweater!" She started laughing maniacally and then stopped when Carlos yelled "He's the perfect size for a pet! And I love him and he loves me." Then he backed off from the screen and Jay put an arm on his shoulder. Fairy godmother turned the screen off and apologized, "it's not your fault, thank you for the special treat" Jay replied. Then we started walking away from where the Fairy godmother was standing and Evie looked to me "If we dont pull this off how do you think our parents will react?" And I replied with "They will be happy that we tried our best" and Carlos said "Really?" And I replied with "No we're ultimately screwed," then we started to walk outside and I looked for Ben.

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