Chapter 5: The Tourney Game

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(Jay's POV)
The horn blew, indicating the game to start, I ran to the ball after it was passed to me from Ben then I ran to the goal and threw the ball into the goal, the goalie caught the ball and it was played back into the game. With only 23 seconds left on the clock, the ball was passed to me, and I ran through the kill zone with Carlos helping me defend, I ran through the kill zone threw Ben the ball he scored the announcer yelled "Prince Ben won the game!" Ben ran over to the announcer and grabbed the mic and talked into it "Can I have everyone's attention" everyone fell silent, Ben hesitated for a minute then talked into the mic again "Give me an M!" He yelled into the mic, everyone else said M he then put the mic to his mouth again "Give me an A!" Everyone else said A in unison including me. He then put the mic to his mouth again and talked into it "Give me an L!" Everyone else yelled L and then Ben smiled talking into the mic again "What does that spell?!" Everyone yelled Mal in unison. Then Ben pointed to the band and they started playing as soon as they started playing. Ben started singing Did I mention everyone singing along every once in a while.

~Time Skip~
Mal and Evie went off with their gossip circle. Carlos and I walked back to our dorm, I went onto the video game and Carlos sat down on his bed with dude and went on his laptop he was typing periodically. He seemed mad for some reason, I wanted to ask but I felt like he'd lash out on me, so I decided to wait until he calmed down a bit before I asked.

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