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Jeremy collapsed onto his ripped, broken couch. He sank down further, whimpering. His back hurt from straining earlier that day.

He closed his eyes for a minute, then opened them to see a figure in front of him. He squeaked, covering his eyes. He sat up and uncovered them to see a boy that looked to be in his freshman year of highschool. He wore a blue baseball cap and round glasses, and had fluffy hair and dark skin.

Jeremy blinked. "Who the hell are you?"

The boy stuck his hand out for Jeremy to shake, and grinned. "I'm Micha!"

The taller boy tried to take Micha's hand, but his phased right through the other's. He stood up, backing away.

"What the fuck!?"

Micha jolted back in surprise. He looked down. "Oh... sorry. I forgot..."

Jeremy fell through another figure, a chill running through his body. He fell to the ground with a thump. This one had short black hair and looked quite feminine. They had blue eyes that almost glowed. They were beautiful.

The slender figure looked down to the boy on the floor.

"Welcome, Jeremiah."

"How in the name of Aphrodite do you know my name!?"

"I looked on school papers. You're getting a D+ in math? Pitiful."

The figure tsked as Jeremy was still trying to get a grip on reality.

Micha sighed, taking a seat on the floor. "You never turn the TV on, so I have to hear you in your room, jerking off. The walls are very thin."

Jeremy got up quickly. "Damn, you guys are creepy."

"Well, I can't really go anywhere else, so..."

"What's your name?" He pointed to the figure above him.

"I'm Eric. Erica, if you like females better." They grinned.

"Fuckin' weirdo," Micha mumbled.

Jermey crawled back to the couch, covering himself with a blanket this time. It was freezing in his apartment.

Eric spoke quietly, "Nighty night."

Michael waved, and the two disappeared.

He sighed.

Alone again.

i really like this au,, also i might do a book for this—what do you guys think?

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