What if?

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Isaiah 41:17-20

"When the poor and needy search for water and there is none, and their tongues are parched from thirst, then I, the Lord, will answer them. I, the God of Israel, will never forsake them. I will open up rivers for them on high plateaus. I will give them fountains of water in the valleys. In the deserts they will find pools of water. Rivers fed by springs will flow across the dry, parched ground. I will plant trees - cedar, acacia, myrtle, olive, cypress, fir, and pine - on barren land. Everyone will see this miracle and understand that it is the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, who did it."

Have you ever heard of a story where God blessed someone or provided them in their times of need? I have and I have seen and experienced God's provision as well. Sometimes, God's provision seems to slip my mind and other times I see God's hand in the blessing handed to me in my need.

While reading this scripture, I remembered a story my aunt told me three years ago. It was an amazing story even to this day. To other people it may sound and look like a "coincidence" or "at the right place at the right time" sort of thing but I know it was God looking out for my beloved aunt - HIS beloved daughter.

You see, my aunt was in a women's home and her group had to pass out flyers on the street. It was hot that day and her and the other ladies were thirsty and hungry. They wanted chocolate and something to drink (That part I can't remember if it was water or lemonade they wanted...). They prayed, asking that God will give them chocolate and something to drink. They asked God to provide.

God answered them.

In front of one house, they found a bush with chocolate kisses on them. (This makes me smile joyfully because who wouldn't want sweet kisses of love from God? It shows His love in more ways than I originally thought.) They praised God and began eating the sweets. Just then, a woman came out of the house they were in front of and she offered them something to drink!

I wonder if that woman knew that God used her to provide for His children?

I also wonder that if God would answer that small prayer for chocolate and drinks, what else would He answer? This makes me curious and excited for some reason because maybe it's sinking in finally that God wants to provide and take care of me. He wants to help me and be in my life every second of the day, watching over me and loving me in ways I just can't phantom right now.

Logically I know this; I know God invites us to pray and ask for big things and He answers them according to His perfect and Holy will...I just feel, after reading this scripture, that its sinking in my heart rather than my head.

God wants to take care of me, guide me, provide for me, comfort me, work in me and through me in various ways and in every area of my life. I make it difficult though because of my pride and my stubbornness or my doubt and low self esteem.

What would happen if I asked God to provide for me? If I asked Him for the big things in my life like helping me with self esteem issues or standing up to my dad but being respectful as well?

Jesus said that in His name, we can ask for anything but when we ask, we MUST believe without any doubt in our hearts.

I see this. The bible even says that God knows what we need even before we ask for it. An example of this would be last week. I went to church because I am helping out with the play for easter. It was late and I didn't want to take the bus again because of how long my bus takes to get to the station. I didn't want to be out there in the cold but I'm a shy person to ask for a ride home. My voice always seems to get stuck in my windpipe but that night I decided to ask a friend for a ride. If she said no then I would just take the bus. I asked God for the courage to ask her for a ride but God had different plans.

He provided a ride for me without me even knowing!

An elder lady who was in costumes with me, she offered me a ride just as I stood up to go ask my friend for a ride! She looked at me and she was like "You want a ride?" Without realizing it, she saw me the week before walking alone and decided that this week, she would offer me a ride. God prepared a ride even before last week came!

Father God,

Thank You that You provide everything for us, You know what we need even before we ask You for it. Your will is perfect and good, meant to help and prosper us and not to harm us or throw us away. You are the perfect Father than wishes to spend time with us and answer us; being our fortress and refuge. You desire to love us even though we don't deserve it and we sin constantly...yet You still choose to love us and throw our sins as far as the east is from the west. God, thank You for this scripture and reminding me of Your greatness and love and the many times You provided for me and for the people around us. God, thank You that You encourage us to come to Your throne boldly and ask You for things. God, thank You that You direct us to ask for the right things that will have lasting value; like Solomon when he asked You for wisdom. Though he could have asked for riches and popularity, He asked for wisdom to lead Your people and You blessed him for that. God, I pray Lord for the wisdom to live this life pleasing to You. I ask for the courage/ boldness to be on fire for You, knowing and feeling Your presence in my life. I ask that You would make me sensitive to Your Holy Spirit, giving me the sense to listen to Him and not grieve Him. Give me a soften heart that is full of Your to share You with others and also to love You with my everything and others with that same Love You so graciously give to me. God, I ask this in Jesus name, believing with all my heart that You already answered me and set events in place to use this. God, I am believing You to make Your vision and will for my life to come true. Let Your garden grow in my heart. God, thank You in advance for Your wonders and breakthroughs. Thank You for Your provision and love in Jesus name, amen. Thank You for the garden You planted. 

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