8/14/2020: Lacking

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8/14/2020: Matthew 14:16-18
Jesus said, "The people don't need to go away. You give them some food to eat." The followers answered, "But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish." Jesus said, "Bring the bread and the fish to me."

Proverbs 14:21-22
It is wrong to say bad things about your neighbors. Be kind to the poor, and you will be blessed. Whoever works to do good will find love and loyalty. It is a mistake to work at doing evil.

A lot of times, I can't help but see myself as lacking. I lack brains, beauty, wisdom, equipment, and words to say. Then, going deeper, I sometimes feel like I lack compassion for people and mercy. Like yesterday: I have this friend who I've been telling her God's truth - I've been sharing the gospel with her but her mind is constantly on a wheel, going in a paranoid circle with her boyfriend, job, and just plain struggles. Dealing with her have tested me and I lack the words to give and the compassion to really care at this point. I feel like my care-meter is low right now and if I stay around her any longer than needed to, I'm going to pull my hair and snap.

However, I'm grateful that God sees and sent me a word today. You see, Jesus wanted to be alone too. His cousin, John the Baptist, was murdered by Herod. When Jesus heard the news, He went away by Himself. However, the crowds followed Him. I think Jesus could have gotten mad: I mean, I would be ticked if someone came asking me for stuff during a delicate time. Heck, I got mad when everyone started posting stuff on facebook the day after my tia died! It's just unnecessary.

However, I'm grateful that God isn't me. God is God and Jesus (God and the Son of God) saw the people and had compassion on them. He could have sent them away but He didn't. He chose to help them and teach them: the complete opposite of my reactions.

I didn't talk much to my friends...I just left home.

After healing and teaching, the disciples came up to Jesus and told them to send the people away so they can eat food. However, Jesus told them to feed them. At that, we disciples get really tight and make excuses because when we look at our meals - we don't have enough to give to the crowds.

However, that is why Jesus told them to give Him the bread and the fish. Because in God's hand, what we have gets multiplied.

So what do I gather from this truth:

Jesus saw our hunger and he responded: I'm not just talking about physical hunger either. When the crowds came to Jesus, the bible said that Jesus healed the sick ones. He put His own desires aside and fed the people spiritually, emotionally, and physically. What that tells me is that I have something to give and the opportunities aren't going to look that appealing. But as a Christ follower, I must be ready to share the gospel and what else God gave me at all times. Paul even wrote this; to be prepared to answer when asked for the reason of my hope. This means putting aside my agenda in order to obey God's will.

We're never lacking when we place our lives in God's hand. I lack the compassion to deal with people but as I submit that to God, God's going to pour more compassion into me to give. However, it doesn't work like a putting water in a cup. It works more like a water fountain or stream. God fills me as I give what I have away. Why do you think, Jesus broke the bread: It didn't multiply straight away but as the disciples passed the food out. Jesus broke the bread and gave it to the disciples to give. It's the same with us. Jesus even said that those of us who use what we have can be trusted with more but those who don't practice what they know, what they think they know will be taken away. The story of the talents give us a great visual of this. The servants who used the money their master gave them got double but the one who hid his share and sat on it was taken and thrown in the place where there is gnashing of teeth. What that servant had was given to the first servant.

My steps are to be kind and compassionate; use the little I have and submit it to God. As I take the step of obedience, God's going to take control. I am only a vessel, made to be poured out as a fragrance offering to God. That means giving all I have. 

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