Playful Undertone

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I wrote this at like one am. I apologize in advance.:)


Devon instantly took a great interest in Casimir as he looked him up and down with a stare so critical that I swore I could feel the waves of concentration bouncing off of him. His face remained impassive as he took in every aspect of Casimir’s being. I let out the breath I had not been away I was holding when I noticed Devon’s head dip approvingly just the slightly bit.

“So this is the jackass you told me about?” He said his voice the antithesis of the glimmer in his eye. I decided to play along, far too curious to see where he was taking this to stop it. I mumbled something noncommittal though; still full aware that Casimir was my boss. Devon’s lip curled up the most infinitesimal amount. I could hear the gears churning in his pretty little head.

Playing up the theatrics, Devon shot a glare at Casimir. The playful undertone was only evident to those who knew him best. I wondered if Casimir would be affected by it or stand his ground. I refused to turn around and look. I felt a warm hand wrap around my bicep and pull me further away by a few feet until my back was pressed up against the cool building’s wall.

My best friend turned his head around and glared again at Casimir before leaning in closer to me. I vaguely wondered why he was not doing anything other than watch this little exchange. Hell, if I were a guy and watching the girl I had just made out with’s male friend shooting daggers at me with his eyes while shoving said girl into the wall, I would do something!

“Miss. Darcy, I don’t like him. You should see the way he looks at you. It’s like he wants to impale your sweet little body right here with his hard, arrogant dick!” he stage whispered into my ear, surely loud enough for Casimir to hear less than two yards away. I could feel my face heating up with a blush red enough to put a perfectly ripened tomato to shame.

“Devon,” I yelled as I tried to shove him off me for even implying such an absurd thing.  He did not budge an inch and I mentally chided myself for not working out more. I was so damn weak. If I could not even push Devon off me, how would I ever be able to defend myself should the threats in those letters ever be acted upon?

Peering over his shoulder, I saw a very amused looking Casimir making his way over to us. Amused? How was he amused?! At the very least he should have been embarrassed. And then I remembered that sex was nothing out of normal to him.

“Dude, I don’t think she really likes you talking like that.” Casimir’s voice came out strong and assertive, although the amusement was still there when he glanced at my still brightening cheeks.  Devon turned back around to me and winked. I frowned, still completely lost as to where he was going with this.

“Don’t like talking about your dick with her around? It can’t be that small! You’re a big guy.” Casimir’s eyes flared slightly. Was he seriously getting worked up over the size of his member?

“My dick isn’t small!” He shot back. Devon snickered my way but put back on a serious face when he turned around to face my fuming boss.

“Well then why do you care about my talking about your ramming into her until she screams in pleasure with your long, oh so very hard pen-” Casimir’s face tinted a slight pink and I could not help but wonder if it was front anger or embarrassment as he growled a responce back.

“I care because if I wanted to ‘ram into her until she screams in pleasure’ I’d have made her think it on her own!” I felt my heart sink. So he was fine kissing me but I was not good enough to be included in his repertoire of sluts? Somehow, I was disappointed even though I knew I should have been glad. It was a double edged sword, hearing him say that.

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