Birthday Dinners Part 2

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Sorry it took so long. This chapter is short but it's better than nothing. Enjoy!


 After inhaling over half of my meal without pause, I eventually ventured my eyes to Casimir, who sat opposite me, laughter evident in his shining eyes.

“What?” I asked as I shoveled in another forkful of my salmon. The flavors exploded on my tongue and I let out a low moan of content. My boss quirked a dark eyebrow at me but his smile gave him away. It had deepened and shown like a million watt light bulb. I reiterated my question at him.

“Georgiana,” he started as he had calmly cut a chunk of his steak, “you’re drawing the attention of all of the men within a four table radius with those sexy little moans you’ve been making. Do you always have suck orgasmic reactions to your food?”

I choked on the new piece of salmon in my mouth. After a few unladylike hacks, I finally managed to meet Casimir’s eyes in disbelief. He gave me one of those go-ahead-and-see-for-yourself looks. Slowly, I moved my eyes from his to the people surrounding us.

Sure enough, people were staring. I snapped my head back to Casimir and frowned at both him and myself.

“Why the hell did you let me do it then?” I glared at him the slits of my eyes. He rolled his own back at me and waved his hand dismissively.

“Now where’s the fun in that? Plus, I found it rather distracting myself, you do make some noises that really get the mind going to dark places,” Casimir taunted as he wiggled his eyebrows at me. I sputtered and smacked his arm across the table.

“Shut up!”

“The truth should never be ‘shut up,’ Georgiana.” Casimir grinned like a Cheshire cat at my scowl. My mind replied with a few choice words that would make my mother want to wash my mind out with soap, but my vocal cords remained unmoved. If he was planning on being a jackass, then he could deal with a cold shoulder.

After a few moments of silence, my resolve crumbled and I let out a sigh. It was my birthday dinner date after all, and here I was ruining it with my anger. Placing my fork down on my now empty plate, I straightened my back and squared my shoulders. I refused to allow myself to be so annoyingly immature about everything. Quite frankly, it was a wonder to me why Casimir even bothered with me.

“Casimir?” I ventured as I made my voice soft and slightly plead. His eyes snapped up to my own and he hiked the corner of his mouth up into a lopsided smile.

“Finally done making a mountain out of a molehill, love?” In response to his question, I pursed my lips out and tapped my index finger on my chin. My actions earned me a hardy chuckle from the man across from me.

“Only if you promise never allow me to ever make those sounds ever again,” I said as I gave him a big grin back. No matter how hard I tried, Casimir’s mood swings seemed to rub off on me. One second I was angry and the next I was smiling like a fool. At the rate I was going, I would give myself emotional whiplash.

“That is a promise I refuse to make, Georgiana.”

“Why ever not?” I asked as I leaned into him. The restaurant had emptied out some since we had arrived. Through the giant windows at the front, I could see the blackened sky and illuminated storefronts dotted with the silhouettes of passing pedestrians.

“Because,” Casimir said as he mimicked my motions, “I enjoyed my ice cream far too much this afternoon to never eat it again.” He dotted his statement with a flirty wink that sent a blush rushing up to my cheeks.

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