You and Ice Cream

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Woot! Two chapters, albeit both were short, in basically one day. I feel accomplished!! 

PS look at the cover after reading this chapter ;) 


I twirled my ball point pen between my fingers as my eyes grazed over the words in front of me. I had been at work for twenty minutes already and finished everything Mr. Leighton had left me to do. Either I was a really fast worker or he had been going easy on my work load. I hoped it was the prior because the latter made me feel guilty.

I was scheduled to work until nine everyday and if I was not working for a good portion of it, I felt as though I was cheating him out of money. Of course, it was technically the company’s money but still…morals and all that jazz. I could not voice my concerns to Mr. Leighton at the moment though because he was on the floor above in a group conference call.

Sighing, I turned my focus back onto the chapters I had to read for homework. It was an easy read but for some reason I was entirely unable to give it my undivided attention. I was marking some farfetched form of symbolism when my phone buzzed on the desk next to my arm. I exhaled happily and left the book. I opened my new message to see that it was one from Dean.

Wuzzup? Amuse me, work is boring.

I laughed at his text and shot him back a quick reply. It would be nice to talk to him. I had not really talked to him much other than the occasional text since our date. There had been no chemistry but he was a cool guy so we decided we were good as friends.

Waiting for the bossman to be done with a meeting. How’s the cafe?

I placed my phone back on the desk and went back to my book. A few minutes later my phone vibrated again.

Boring and immaculately clean as usual. Why dont you cum?

I smiled at his text and could not help my response. I might have been a girl but I had spent enough time with immature teenagers to resort to the occasional default joke.

That’s what she said.

After that, I placed my phone back onto my desk. Hopefully Mr. Leighton would let me off for an hour to grab dinner and visit Dean. I could not see why not but who knew, the man was weird. I chuckled as I thought back to his note when he had seen Dean’s number on the coffee cup.

I tapped my pen against the desk and let my mind wonder. Thinking of Casimir made me think of the other night.  

After returning from the awkward dinner with my grandparents two days ago, Casimir had offered to drive me home but I declined. I had needed the drive to mull over when and how I would tell him about my past. Needless to say, I had yet decided. A part of me was still hesitant to share with him.  

I knew I had to though, as much had been decided, but it was still far too fresh of a wound to tell the story easily. I wondered how he would react to the story…

I frowned at the thought. I did not want to see the pity in his eyes. I let out a shaky breath and abandoned my book all together. I would just do it when I got home.

I was alone in the office again; what with Macy still on her business trip and Joan deciding to skip work today. I was slightly worried about her, so I shot her a text asking how she was.

A few minutes later, my phone buzzed with a new message and I opened it expecting it to be Joan. Instead, it was from Casimir. I smiled as I read the text. He was something special alright.

Meeting so boring. Kill me now.

I chose not to respond, and as if he sensed this, I got another text a moment later. Then another. Then another. Then another. I shot my phone and worried look as it continued to vibrate with new messages like every other second.

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