Such Sweet Nothings

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Hey guys, sorry for the uber long wait! Trust me, I've felt horrible for not updating. School just gets in the way, ya know? Anyway, enjoy! I'll work to not wait another three months before updating again. Feel free to hound me though. I really don't mind and truth be told, it does actually work. My fans mean everything to me, and I wouldn't even be updating today if it weren't for the you guys. I can't tell you how flattering it is when I see a little notification on my newsfeed about somebody adding this story to their library.   This chapter is dedicated to Play it by Ear's first actual dedicated fan!  (who wasn't somebody I knew from school (Sorry Jen and Lynh!)) 

BTW, still unedited. Sorry guys


 I shut the door behind me with a click and attempted to compose myself as I crossed the distance between his office and my desk. Distance. I doubted I would be able to keep myself from running back into his office and begging on my knees for forgiveness if I stayed close.

My mind raced with a whirl wind of emotions ranging from content to downright contempt. I thought pushing him away would have made me feel better, but instead I felt worse. Apparently, my heart could not make a decision on which option was better. Do you leave the one you are falling for to save them? The logical answer was easy, but the heart never wants what is logical.

I was halfway to my desk when the door behind me burst open and a strong hand fell upon my shoulder, twirling my body around. My eyes shot up to Casimir’s infuriated face, a deep rush of guilt working its way through my body.

“You know what Georgiana? I refuse to leave you alone. Now, I don’t know what the fuck is going on with you but I know, I know, that you don’t want me to leave you alone. You need to stop being so damn psychotic and let me talk! You can’t have a one sided argument in a relationship! It doesn’t fucking work that way!

“And if you’d actually let me talk, you would know that no, I have not slept with anybody since we got together. Hell! You’d know that I haven’t slept with anybody since our first argument.” Casimir ran a frustrated hand shakily through his unkempt mane of hair. I could feel the heat of his hand on my shoulder and had to suppress the urge to pull him into my arms. I had never expected him to chase after me.


“No, you don’t get the chance to talk anymore. You got to do that earlier, it’s my turn now,” despite the rigidity of his body, the fire and care I saw reflected in his eyes made a pit settle in my stomach; maybe I had been wrong all along.

“Georgiana, I don’t know what the hell it is about you but you make me care. I’ve made you do more work in the past week than I would have made James do in a year, just to ensure that you would be there at eight o’clock when I walked out of my office. It was selfish, and I know that-” Casimir paused, and I could see his brain working overtime to make sense of all he wanted to say.

He looked down at me pleadingly, almost begging me to understand him. I opened my mouth to say something, anything. I wanted to assure him that I stayed not only out of professional obligation but because I also reveled in the thought of him being only a few strides away from me. Something in his eyes told me to wait though, that he was not quite done yet. Our gazes locked for a millisecond before he pulled away and began to pace in front of me, a large hand gently massaging his forehead. After a moment, he stopped and looked over at me.

“But I’ll be damned if I l lied and said that I didn’t love the feeling of seeing you. I also know for a fact that you love seeing me too. I don’t know what the hell happened today or yesterday to make you suddenly so…” He motioned at me as though a simple hand gesture could replace the words needed to describe my sudden weirdness. “And despite the fact that it kills me to not ask you, I know that you would prefer me not to ask. I get that, I can see it in your eyes any time you share something personal about yourself, it’s as though a secret is being ripped from your soul.

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