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i hear crying and layla walks into the other room. she comes out with our son mason. she bounces him on her hip and looks thru the cupbords. he has my dirty blonde hair and blue eyes but everything else is from her. she fixes him a bottle and feeds him. he's almost one years old. "who do we have here" elijah asks. while damon and stefan watches layla. "you missed many things elijah like me and layla having a child his name is mason wyatt mikaelson and us getting married" i tell him. his eyes widen but his face softens.

"im going to change him and we are going to the park while you deal with this" she says and walks up the stairs with mason. elijah leaves  the room "Go ahead and kill me, I know you'll do it when he brings the coffin" he tells me. i pull stefan out of the fireplace. "You really have given up, haven't you? Where's the fight? Where's the ripper?" i ask him and push him. he pushes back. Suddenly, Elijah and Damon re-enter the room.

"Elijah... why haven't you left?" i ask. "Where are you manners, brother? We forgot dessert." he says and takes the cover off a plate a blonde woman is carrying. Two silver daggers lie on the plate. "What have you done?" i ask. "What have you done?" he asks. "You see I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now" he says and Kol enters the room. "Kol" i say. he smirks "Long time, brother" he says i start to back away finn suddenly appears,

he grabs a dagger and stabs me thru the hand. "Finn, don't!" i say and rush away but i run into rebekah "Rebekah?" i ask and she stabs me with a different dagger "This is for our mother" she says and i fall back into Kol's arms. he restrains me. Elijah looks at Damon and Stefan. "You're free to go. This is family business" he tells them. they leave. "godamnit klaus whatever your doing down there nock it off it hurts" i hear layla scream. "sorry love why dont you come down here" i yell up the stairs and struggle in Kol's arms.

"fine but mason's coming to" she says and i hear footsteps. layla walks thru the door and looks around at the new people "who the hell are these guys" she asks and shifts mason to her hip. "who are you?" Kol asks. "why would you ask me that when your in my home thats just plain rude and my name is layla mikaelson thank you very much" she huffs. "guys i wnat you to meet my wife layla and my son mason" i say. kols and finns eyes widen. layla tightens her hold on mason and he just looks around green eyes full of curioscity.

i feel kol let go of me. rebekah looks around. "I like what you've done with the new place, Nik." she says and throws a vase int a painting. mason starts crying. layla tries to sooth his cries. "rebekah i may like you but if you dont stop it wont end well for you" she says. "I wanted it to be for all of us. A place we could all call home. A place we could all be a family. None of us would ever have to be alone again" i tell them. i hear masons cries hush down.  we hear the door open and in walks my mother.  "Mother?" rebekah asks. she walks towards me.

"Look at me! Do you know why I'm here?" she asks. i have tears in my eyes. "You're here to kill me" i tell her. "Niklaus, you are my son and I am here to forgive you. I want us to be a family again" she says. i see layla give mason a teething toy and bounce him on her hip. "now what is this i hear about a wife and child" she asks. i turn to layla. "this is my mate and wife layla and my son mason wyatt mikaelson" i tell her. she walks up to layla and mason and looks at him. he looks up at her and gives her a toothless smile. my mother smiles at him. "he has her eyes and your smile" she says to me. "layla this is my mother and my two brothers Kol and finn" i tell her. she smiles at them.  


~days later~

layla pov

"Rebekah? Tell me how handsome I am" kol says. "Ah Kol, you know I can't be compelled" she answers back. Finn grins and the door opens and klaus comes in  "You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?!" he asks. "Here we go." rebekah says and rolls her eyes. "Do you want another dagger in your heart?" klaus asks. "Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?" kol asks. "Oh, go back to staring at yourself" klaus snaps. "And who are you, my father?" kol asks getting closer to him. "No, Kol, but you're in my house" he tells him. "Then perhaps we should go outside" kol counters and i sigh and get up and hand rebekah mason. "ok kalus lets talk by the window" i tell him and lead him away. i rub his back soothingly. "ok so rebekah attacked elena, is she dead?" i ask him. "no but" he starts but i put a finger to his lips shhing him. "ok then no harm no foul ok. her blood is still of use for you so no need to get angry now if rebekah killed her this behavior would be understandable but there is no need ok" i tell him. he nods and hugs me. "just relaxe ok" i tell him and he takes a deep breath. "good now i have a feeling your mother wants to talk so why dont you go join her" i tell him. he nods and walks into the other room. i turn around and see finn, kol and rebekah all wide eyed mouth open faces filled with shock. i walk back over to the couch and sit down. i take mason and set him on my lap. "you, he, how" kol stumbles over his words. "that is my secret kol" i tell him. "you calmed the beast" finn says. i shug and fix masons collar.  

(Music Playing)

klaus pov

"Rebekah wasn't even out of her box a day before she tried to ruin my life. What happened to peace, acceptance, family?" i ask her. "i thought layla talked to you about this" she says. "she did" i tell her. "she has such a way with words dont you think" she asks. "yes she is a devine creature but why cant our family be the same as we were?" i ask. she looks at me wide eyed  "You put daggers in their hearts. You want them to go down on their knees and kiss your feet for reuniting them?" she asks. "So it's a crime to want our family to be as we were?" i ask her. "You need to give it time, Niklaus. I've had a thousand years on the other side to be angry and to heal. I'm here to make sure this family does the same" she tells me. "I just don't understand. I killed you, and still you forgive me" i tell her. "Its been my dream for a thousand years that this family could be as one. Forgiveness is not a chore. It's a gift. Now, why dont you get ready for this evening" she says. "Don't be ridiculous. You're lucky I'm even going" i tell her. "Well, It is going to be a magical evening" she tells me.

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