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          A young man walked down the sidewalk. He had brown hair that hung down into his eyes but was very short around his ears and in the back. Most people would think he was some kind of punk or high school dropout. They wouldn’t know that he barely had any money. He could barely support himself in the tiny apartment he was living in. A lot of nights, he wouldn’t eat. The young man, probably around twenty three or twenty four, stopped as he looked at a poster hanging on a telephone pole. There were many flyers like this. They were all looking for a singer to become part of a band named Linkin Park. The man took the flyer from the post and then turned and walked in the direction of the place that the flyer told him to go. There was a group of people waiting. Some of them snickered at the young man’s appearance. How his glasses weren’t on exactly straight. How skinny he was from lack of food and money. He didn’t look like he should be singing anything. Eventually it was the young man’s turn to go in and sing for the band. He walked in and was faced with five other men.

          “Do I have to sing something in particular?” the man asked. One of the men nodded and gave him a sheet of paper. There were a group of lyrics on the paper. He read them a few times before he began to sing them.

“When my time comes, forget the wrong that I’ve done

Help me leave behind some, reasons to be missed

Don’t resent me and when you’re feeling empty

Keep me in your memories, leave out all the rest

Leave out all the rest.”

          He finished. He saw one of the men put his head in his hands. His hair was dyed bright blue in the front. The man next to him put a hand on his back comfortingly. The song must’ve been emotional for him. Another one of the men got up and walked to the door. He left while the first man cried. A minute later he returned.

          “I just told everyone else they could leave,” the man said. The young man who had sang shifted uncomfortably.

          “What why did you do that Dave?” one of the guys asked.

          “We want what’s best for the band don’t we? Then we need this guy. He’s damn good,” the man, Dave, said. The man who had been crying raised his head from his hands and shook it slightly.

          “I can’t do this Dave. It’s like we’re replacing him.”

          “You gotta move on. I know you miss him. But we need to get his songs out there,” Dave replied. Then he turned to the young man who was still standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

          “What’s your name?”

          The young man glanced up and then said quietly, “Chester Bennington.”

          The man who had been crying stared up at him in wonder. For some reason Chester seemed to find that man familiar. The man got up slowly from the chair he was sitting in.

          “Chester?” he asked softly. Chester looked at the man across from him. The other four men were staring at them as well. Why did this all feel so familiar?

          “Yea?” he asked.

          “It’s me. It’s Mike,” the man said. Chester stared at him for a minute and then recognition dawned in his eyes. It was Mike.

          “M-Mike?” he asked. Mike’s eyes filled with tears and a smile lit up his face as he wrapped his arms around Chester.

          “You’re ok. I thought I’d never see you again,” he said. Chester hugged Mike back. It’d been five years but he still remembered that boy who had saved his life.

          “I missed you so much,” Chester whispered as he buried his head into Mike’s neck. He didn’t care what the rest of the band thought. The names came back to him. Dave, Rob, Brad, Joe. They were all still here.

          “I can’t believe it’s you. I can’t believe it,” Mike said as he pulled Chester as close as he could.

          “I love you Mike. I always will. I’m so happy you were able to keep going with the music.”

          “I love you too Chazzy. I’m so happy you’re back.”

          Chester felt Mike tighten his grip on him. He was back with the people who loved him. Mike leaned in and kissed him softly and Chester kissed him back. Mike still loved him. He buried his face into Mike’s shoulder and he felt Mike’s hand run up and down his back comfortingly.

          “I thought….we’d lost you. I couldn’t go to school without breaking down,” Mike said.

          “I listened to all of our songs. Just to hear your voice every night. I just wanted to hear you tell me everything would be alright.”

          “I’m here now. And everything will be alright. You’re never leaving me again,” Mike whispered. Chester felt tears come into his own eyes.

          “I was so scared. Every night…” Chester whispered and Mike rubbed his hand softly on his back.

          “Ssshh. You’re ok now. I promise,” Mike replied. He heard shifting from the other members of the band but he didn’t care. He wanted to stay here with Mike forever.

          “YEA THAT’S RIGHT! NOW LET’S GO MAKE SOME KICKASS MUSIC!” Dave yelled as he joined the hug. And then Rob was there too and Brad and Joe. Chester smiled into Mike’s neck. He was with his family again. He was home. This was where he belonged.


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