Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Chester's POV

​Three days later, Chester was out of the hospital but no where near done feeling horrible. Mike had ransacked his room the minute they got home and took anything that looked like drugs and threw them out. Chester wasn't sure if Mike was angry or not. He seemed mad but whenever he looked at Chester, he would smile at him or comfort him in some way. So maybe Mike wasn't mad. But he couldn't really tell.

​"Not mad at you Chazzy," Mike said as he wandered around Chester's room. It was the first time he'd ever been in his room.

​"You look mad. I'd be mad at me too. I am actually," Chester replied quietly.

​"Chaz, don't beat yourself up over this. I can't take watching you do that," Mike said walking over to where Chester sat.

​"Then don't watch."

​"I'm going to help you. You can trust me, Chester. You're going to be able to stop," Mike said softly as he sat down next to him. Chester swallowed. He did want to stop. He wanted to stop everything that he had gotten himself into but he didn't know if he could or not.

​"Withdrawal hurts Mike. It hurts a lot. I don't want to hurt anymore," Chester found his voice breaking and Mike wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

​"I know Chaz. I know. But we're going to get you through this. All of us. You're going to be alright," Mike reassured him. Chester sighed but nodded. He trusted Mike. He just didn't want to disappoint him like he had already. He knew Mike was disappointed in him for taking the drugs. If he wasn't able to quit, Mike would be mad. And he really didn't want to lose Mike.

​"Ok," Chester stood up, "I'm going to go to the bathroom."

​Mike nodded at him as he left and Chester shut the door. He contemplated going for his razor blade but decided against it. If he was gone for longer than a few minutes, Mike would be after him. So he took a couple deep breaths and leaned against the wall. He could hear Mike walking around in his room and figured he was probably raiding other places for drugs. Truth was, he barely had any. He'd kept some in his dresser but Mike had found those easily. There had been a tiny bit in his desk drawer as well and Mike had destroyed it too. Chester wasn't mad at Mike but he could already feel his body wanting more of it. He swallowed and took a step back to his room. And then he heard Mike talking. Was he talking? Or was he singing? Chester leaned closer to his door and listened.

"I hurt much more

Than anytime before

I have no options left again

I don't know what's worth fighting for

Or why I have to scream

I don't know why I instigate

And say what I don't mean

I don't know how I got this way

I'll never be alright

So I'm breaking the habit

I'm breaking the habit


Mike's POV

​Mike finished singing the song he had been working on. He had started on it the day he found out about Chester's addiction. He had hoped the song would be able to convince him to stop. He didn't know if he still needed to write the song or not since Chester seemed pretty intent on stopping. But he had decided to continue it and had finished it during the time that Chester had been in the hospital. He had planned on putting that song and the one that Chester had written together if Chester hadn't made it out of the coma. He was humming to himself as he paced the room waiting for Chester to get back. There wasn't anything else he had to do right at the moment. He'd thrown every suspicious thing out so Chester couldn't start again. He had also asked Chester if he'd wanted to spend time at his house since he knew that it would be tough going through withdrawal. Well he hadn't said the last part but he had asked. Chester had agreed so they were going to get ready. And then he was back but he looked different. There were tears in his eyes again. Mike frowned at Chester.

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