Chapter One/Blossoms

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The city of Extravanganza is a beautiful place filled with every type of flower you could think of. But the main event are the cherry blossoms. The cherry blossoms are located in the grand palace at the middle of the city. Each blossom tree is grand. Close to the size of the great redwood trees in your world. But unlike your world these cherry blossoms are different. Each blossom has a different color. We have the red, the pink, the blue, the green, the orange, and the almighty purple. To understand more let's take a trip back a FEW million years ago. Long ago,before humans walked the world, a meteor crashed into the planet. This meteor contained seeds. One red, one pink, one blue, one green, one orange, and one purple. The soil of the planet was just right for these seeds. During their process of growing they were each subjected to a natural disaster. These happenings gave the trees certain powers. The red would catch on fire giveing it the power to create and control fire. The pink would be subjected to an overgrowth of plants and animals. Thus giving it the power to create life. The blue was flooded with water giving it the power to control and create water. The green was bombarded by a radioactive wave, giving it the ability to change into any type of tree or flower it wanted. It also gave the tree the ability of  poison and rot. The orange was hit by strong winds giving it the ability to control the wind and weather. The purple, however, was struck with all these disasters and was stuck by lightning. This gave it the the ability to control all the elements, shapeshift, and control lightning and metal. When the humans came the blossoms hid where no one could find them. But one day six members of the vanganza tribe stumbled across the blossoms. Each member took ONE blossom from ONE tree. The trees thinking they were under attack consumed the humans. For six months they were trapped in the trees. Slowly being consumed until finally they were gone. But then something happened. The DNA of the tribe members fused with the trees and a blossom started to form on the place where they had picked one from. Suddenly,in a bright flash of light, the tribe members reappeared. Their hair was the color of the tree that had consumed them. Their skin was milk white. Their clothes were beautiful petals. Their body's glowed their color. And their skin held certain smells. The red , cherry. The pink, strawberry. The blue, blueberry. The green, pears. The orange, oranges. And The purple, lavender. Each individual held the powers of their certain tree. The red and purple where the only ones gifted with immortaly. These humans turned blossom lead to the birth of the blossom empire. After converting the rest of their tribe into blossoms their empire grew. When one blossom would die. Two blossoms would pop up on the tree of their heritage. The blossoms learned about and controlled their powers. They lived in perfect harmony. That is until the stongest of the blossoms, the purple, started to get killed off......

Authors Note!
Hello!! I'm new here so I hope you enjoy my story. Now this is going to be an boyxboy story and it will be about the K-pop group BTS. But that's all I have to say. Thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter!!

- Signed
Ant V!

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