Chapter two/ Paradise

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You see back in the year A4Z(1127), members of the tribe began to get killed off. No one could find out who it was and why they were doing this. The killings continued until all of the purples were dead. Over the years every purple that came form the tree was killed. Then the tree just stopped producing blossoms. The tree was covered and remained covered and useless for many year. That is until today
(Main character POV)
I feel sticky. Like a load of molasses was poured on me. It's extremely dark where I am. Where am I? There's this weird feeling inside my body. It's this weird tingling. Like little electric shocks. I squirm around but it doesn't help. I can't move. The tingling  gets stronger and I start to see a light. Suddenly I can feel my body slipping from my sticky trap. I slide through a gel like substance and boom. I'm standing underneath a sheet. I hear voices all around me. Then the sheets lifted. I'm blinded momentarily. My eyes quickly adjust and I see a group of men. They all glow the colors of the rainbow. They stare at me with their mouths wide open. I notice their outfits. They each corespond with their hair, eyes, and glowing body's. "What are they stareing at?" I think to myself. I look down and notice I am exactly like them. But I'm different too. My skin glows purple. My hair is purple. And if I looked in a mirror, I'm pretty sure my eyes would be purple. My skin feels extremely soft. And my clothes. My clothes are my skin. I'm wearing what appears to be a guards uniform. But mine is different from the men around me. I have a long draping cloak around my body. The men around me wear the same clothing but without the cloak. Finally I break the silence by asking. " Where am I, and who are you?" They stare at me dumbfounded. Finally one of them says " This is the great city of Extravanganza and as for who we are, we are the gaurdians of the blossom trees. All of a sudden two more men appear. A man in red and someone like me. But this purple man is much lighter and his eyes and hair are a lavender color. But the man in red he looks like me. I mean yea a different color but his clothes. They are exactly like mine. That's when I noticed the man on the roof. Pointing a gun right at me... 
Authors Note!
Hello!! Sooo how was it 😂 I hope you liked it. Well anyways I hope you enjoyed and I have made it my goal to post every Tuesday and Thursday. So goodbye for now😋😋

- Ant V!

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