Chapter 5/The Attraction

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Everyone looks at the man named Kim Taehyung. I look at him with wonder while all the others look at him with surprise. " how do you know about the new king!" Jungkook says to the man while walking towards him. "He's purple. Duhhhhh." Jungkook grabs the man by his neck and lifts him off the ground. " How dare you speak to me like that you filthy human!" Jungkook spats in the mans face. "Wait!" Everyone turns to look at me. That's when I realize that I'm the one who shouted. "Let him go! He didn't do anything wrong!" The words fly out of my mouth and I have no idea where they are coming from. Jungkook drops the man who gasps for air and stomps toward me. " listen purple. You may be the new king but your going to have to learn the way of life around here. You just got here. What do you know about us or the humans?" Jungkook says. I stand silent gaze at the ground. "That's what I thought." Jungkook starts towards the man again but before he can reach him I'm infront of him in a blur. " I may know nothing of you people, this world or of the humans. But I do know that violence won't solve all of our problems. This man doesn't deserve whatever fate you have set for him! Let me talk to him!" Jungkook looks slightly shocked before nodding his head and telling everyone to leave us alone. I kneel infront of the man. He is still on the floor and his hair has fallen infront of his face. "Hello there." I say. The man looks up and immediately the same feeling the same feeling of attraction takes over. I take in the way this man looks. He's so different from me and the others but yet so perfect and mysterious. His hair is a light brown. His eyes the same. His face looks silky smooth to the touch. His lips soft and a light shade of pink. "Listen I'm sorry about the others. But you have to understand no one was supposed to know that I was here. If you could please tell me how you got the information it would be greatly appreciated. The man just smiled and said " al hail the new king." in that instant I felt a sharp pain in my stomach I looked down to see a long black knife plunged in my body. I Yelp out in pain and fall to the floor. I hear screaming and running. I see the man run to the door with Jungkook and the others following close behind. The man bursts open the door and jolts out. That's when I pass out.
I wake in a plain white room. My body feels numb and I hear a soft buzz. I look around the room and take in my strange surroundings. There's a couch, a bookcase, and a small rectangular object in the wall. I look down and see that I'm in a bed covered with a white sheet. I go to sit up when a sharp pain hits me in my stomach and shoots me back to a laying position. At that moment the door to the room opens revealing Jungkook and the other men. Jimin is the first to speak up. " we are so glad your awake! You gave us all quite a scare! Thank god the knife didn't go to deep!" Jungkook then begins to say " like I was trying to say. The humans don't want us. They despise our kind. And this is what happens when you try to talk to them." I let his words sink and then I say " That man. Did you catch him?" Jin answers this time. " sadly no we weren't able to capture him he escaped us." I sigh and lay back down. "We are glad your okay thought. But with this man on the lose I don't think you need to be seen by the people. You must stay a secret for now." Jungkook says. Everyone agrees with him. I look at him and say " perhaps your right. But can I go to my room now this bed is killing me." We all smile and laugh and the boys say of course I just need to be careful with my stomach because it needs to heal. I get to my room and close the door. I lift the white garment that rests on top of my body to reveal a white peice of cloth wrapped around my waist. I remove the garment and lay in bed. I sink in for a minute but then I hear something. Far of in the distance away from the castle i can hear a heart beat. I get up and look out the window. In the distance standing upon a hill I see the man. He's crouched beside a tree and It should be impossible for me to see him but i can. But that's not the only thing I notice. Although the man is extremely far away it looks like he's looking at something he shouldn't be able to look at. The thing it seems is he's looking at is me. And that's when I feel it again, the pull. That weird attraction.

AYYYOOOO what's up everyone!! Again super sorry for the long wait!! This chapter is finally a longer one!! Yayyyy. The next 6 chapters are going to be long ones as well because each chapter will be getting to know the boys and their powers and other things like that! I hope you all really enjoyed this chapter! It's 2:04 AM where I live so you better like it😂 anyways that's all and the next chapter will be coming up on Thursday and I mean it😂! Ok bye bye for now! Love you alllll !!!

~ Ant V

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