Chapter 7/Jin

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*quick note* I'm sorry for the Jim pic.😂 he hasn't ever had blue hair so I had to do it myself and wellll it's not toooo bad but it's not awesome😂*end of note*
It's currently 2:00 in the morning and I couldn't be more tired. We've been up all night trying to decide what to do with the man. Obviously he hasn't given up on killing me. So the boys want to find out why and who sent him. The only problem is is that he's been unconscious for over 4 hours now. " ughhh, will he wake up already!" Hoesek said. "Be patient."Jungkook replied, "we may want answers to all our questions but you know the saying,good things come to those who wait." So we continued to sit and stare at the unconscious body which was bound to a chair quiet tightly, courtesy of yoongi. Jimin and Jin seemed to be deep in conversation, while namjoon and yoongi were trying their best not to sleep and hoesek, well hoesek just looked annoyed and wanted to leave. As for me I didn't know how I was feeling. It's was great that we had finally captured the guy who's been trying to kill me. But at the same time I can't help but feel sorry. We don't know why he's here and maybe he's being threatened or blackmailed to do it. Or maybe I felt sorry because of the feeling. That pull of attraction which had gotten stronger since I first met him. While I was deep in thought I noticed slight movement in the corner of my eye and when I looked up the man was sitting up straight, looking directly at me. "Boys! He's up." Jungkook shouted but only strong enough to wake the two sleepyheads from their slumber. Everyone became alert as we all crowded around the man. "So who wants to ask the fist question." Jimin said. "I will." Jungkook responded. "So Mr. I forgot your name." "It's Kim Taehyung." The man mumbled. "What." Jungkook said. " I said my name is Kim Taehyung and I have nothing to say to you you filthy red!" The man,who's name I now remembered as Kim Taehyung , spat out. With that jungkook slammed a punch right to the mans gut. He let out a sound sort of like a dog in pain and wrenched over in pain. "Will stop that now or do you want more." The man, Kim Taehyung, only spit on jungkooks feet. Before jungkook could hit him again I stopped his hand. "Stop. Let me try." Jungkook ripped his arm and mumbled "good luck" before moving out of the way. "So hi there Mr.Kim. Is it ok if I call you that or do you just prefer Kim Taehyung?" He looked up at me with a small smirk and just said, "You can call me Tae." " ummm ok "Tae" why do you want to kill me?" "Wish I could answer that." "Listen, I really need you to answer or else the other guys will be up here. Trust me I don't think they will talk to you the way I do." "I think I can handle myself." I gave a sigh and walked away. Almost as soon as I did I heard the first punch followed by another "oof" sound. *time skip* It's been almost an hour and still no use. "Tae",as he asked me to call him, was completely and utterly beat up. With a swollen eye, lip and cheek. He was an absolute mess. But after all that he still didn't give away any information. "This is useless." Namjoon started, "he's never going to answer so what the point?" "The point, namjoon, is that even if it takes days we will get the information we want out of him." Jungkook replied. "But for now we need to rest. You all look dead and I'm pretty tired myself." We all sighed with relief and started towards the door. "What about him?" I asked. "He will stay here until further notice. I looked over at Tae and was surprised to see him looking at me. I gave him a look of sympathy before heading out. We all gave each other our goodbyes went our separate ways to our rooms. About halfway to my room I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around quickly only to be greeted with Jin's smiling face. "Hi!" He said. " oh hi." I responded. " sorry to startle you but I have a question." "Oh! Ok shoot." " well Jimin told me that he helped you unlock your pink blossom powers." "Oh yes he did! It was quite fun but also really tiering." "Hehe, um well I was wondering if maybe I could help you unlock your blue blossom powers?" "Are you kidding me! Of course! That's awesome!" Jin chuckled as a I gave a huge grin. " but will it hurt though, because I don't have time for anymore pure energy burning my insides out." Jin laughed agin and responded with, "No no, blue blossoms are probably the only blossoms with powers that don't effect our body when we over drive ourselves." "Ok good." We both giggled a little before Jin asked if 1:oo was ok. I said yes and then we parted ways. " well I'm in for another eventful day." With that I walked into my room any slammed on to the bed.*Time skip* I woke up to the sound of knocking. I lifted my head from my pillow and asked in a raspy voice, "who's there." From the other side of the door I heard my response. "It's Jin!" Jin? What's he doing here? That's when I remembered everything that happened last night and that Jin was supposed to help me activate my blue blossom powers. I bolted out of bed and into the bathroom. I used the restroom, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair and then then I bolted out and open the door breathing heavily. Jin Just chuckled and asked if I was ready to go and i said yes. So with that we headed our way out of the castle. Once we were outside we walked in a different direction from the woods. I realized that we were walking to a small pond. The pond was crystal clear and had a very blue hue. There were also lots of blue flowers and blue plants surrounding it. "This" Jin started, "is where all the royal blue blossoms come to control and learn about their powers." "What exactly can the blues due?" I asked. "Us blues are very calm and relaxed blossoms. That's because our main power pertains to water. Crystal clear, strong and controlled water is, in my opinion, the strongest of the 4 elements. But due to the way water is we also gained different powers. We can control emotions. We can make people happy, sad, relaxed, stressed, you name it. We also have a very small amount of the ability to see into the future." "Wow! That's so amazing!" "Yes it is." Jin chuckled and then began to speak again. "So let's begin your training!" I stood up straight and Jin continued with his instructions. "So what I want you to do is stick your hands in the pond." "Good!" "Now I want you to visualize yourself becoming water." "Truly feel the way the water moves and the temperature of. Feel the way it caries your hands around." With my eyes closed I tried to focus on the water. The water was nice and cool and the breeze was pulling it to the east. Then I could suddenly feel myself being slowly engulfed in water. As is I were becoming it. I opened and realized that I was completely dry and still at the edge of the pond. But yet I still felt like I was covered in water. "Now I want you use all you have to make the water rise. Make it go sky high if you want to!" So with that I took my hands out of the pond and focused. I focused real hard until finally I started to see a drop of water rise from the surface of the pond. Then another and another until almost half the pond was hovering over the it as water drops. "Now, make an object out of water and throw it at that target over there." I moved my hands towards the target and began to imagine a spear. I could see the water droplets begin to take the form of a spear. Finally when I thought I was ready I released it. The spear went flying towards the target. As it flew I couldn't help but notice a familiar feel to it. My mind shot back to the picture of the woman and in that moment the spear turned to solid ice and shot right through the target and into the the stone wall behind it. I looked up at a slightly shocked Jin. "Since our powers are based off water, our emotions play a major part in how the water is formed. What you just did, turning the smooth water into thick jagged ice, isn't something that is easily done. You'd have to have been dangerously angry to do that. So how did you do it." Jin asked. "I don't know it just happened." That was the truth I really didn't understand why or how my spear turned to ice but I think It might have to do something with the image of the woman. "Hmm, well anyways it was nicely done!" Jin said going from serious to happy. I squealed with glee as Jin prepared me for the next part. "It seems that you were able to control the water but I don't think your powers have been fully activated." I believed him, I hadn't seen my body do the weird thing with the colors going from purple to blue and purple. "So, lets try something else. I want you to try to do our hardest power. That is the ability to look into the future. For most it's small and only comes in our dreams, but I have a feeling that with you it might me different. So to able to do this your going to need to get in the pond." So after a bit of arguing about how I didn't want to get wet Jin won and I had to go into the pond. After the water had reached about halfway up my body Jin told me to stop. "Now I want you to submerge yourself underwater. Don't worry we blues can breath under water. After your under I want you to focus on the sounds around you and I want you to hear and internal clock. After you hear the clock I want you fast forward it and try to take a peek into the future." So with that I held my breath closed my eyes and went under. The water felt smooth on my skin. I momentarily forgot that I was even underneath the water when I took a breath and to my suprise I could breath. I mean Jin had told me that I could but I was still a little iffy. I refocused myself and reminded myself of the task at hand. There weren't much sounds underneath the water. Just the slow steady pulse of water. But then I realized that it wasn't the sound of water but instead it was the sound of a clock getting louder by second. So with my upmost focused I tried to think of the clock going faster. The more I focused the more the clock got faster and louder. Now the clock was going insanely fast and i could sense some sort of light. I opened my eyes and noticed that I was no longer under water but instead i was in the castle. "Jungkook were on earth are you going!" A stressed yoongi asked jungkook as he continued to walk frantically towards the palace doors. "We need to look for him yoongi!" "Jungkook you know it's far to dangerous!" Yoongi responded. "I don't care! I'm going to look for him even if you or the others won't help!" Jungkook reached the palace doors and was about to open it even someone placed their hands on his shoulder. Jungkook looked up at a sad faced Jimin. " jungkook you know it's no use." With tears in his eye jungkook responded with, "no it's not! He's out there somewhere and I know it!" "Jungkook stop!" Jimin started, "you and I both know that's he's not out there." " no,no." Jungkook mumbled with tears running down his face. "Jungkook. He's dead. Xmorvors dead." My eyes shot open. As I looked down I could see my body shining a bright blue. The blue streaks ran through my purple petals like veins running through my body. In the water in front of me I could see my eyes. Blue with vibrant purple streaks. As I looked around me I noticed that I was no longer under water. I was floating above the pond on a small step of water. The water that was once in the pond rose around me moving wildly. I looked down and noticed Jin. Then my mind flashed back to the vision and I slammed back into the pond as the water collapsed all around me. I rose my way to the surface, pulled myself of and laid on the grass. Jin walked over to me and asked, "are you ok. You looked like you were about to destroy the the planet with all that floating and water everywhere." Jin laughed but once he saw my face he looked confused. "Are you ok you look like you've just seen a ghost." " Jin, I'm going to die." * time skip* "so basically your saying you saw Jimin tell me your dead." "For the last time, yes! That's exactly what happened!" Jungkook didn't look convinced. So quick relapse. After I told jin about my vision we immediately came to jungkook. Hopeful that he could help us I told him. But the only thing I've gotten is that most visions that blues have are usually wrong and shouldn't be trusted, honestly I just think he didn't like the part where I told him he cry's like a baby, "oh come on jungkook you have to believe me!" "I'm sorry but I don't. Besides your going to be protected 24/7 so what do we need to worry about." "Ughhh your annoying. I've only been here for 3 days and I already know that." "It feels like    you've been for 3 years." Jungkook mumbled under his breath as he walked over to his desk. "I heard that." I responded. Jungkook just gave me a lazy look at sighed. "If you really believe your in danger I can up the guards but that's about it. Look I don't really have time right now so you guys should leave but we can talk more later." I mumbled a whatever and me and Jin left the room. "Jungkooks always grumpy. Don't worry about him." I smiled at Jin. " ugh yea it's ok. Anyways thanks for today! I had fun and it's nice to discover what I can do!" "No problem" Jin replied. "Ok well I'm a little tired so I'm going to my room now." Me and Jin said our goodbyes and we went our way. The truth was I wasn't actually going to my room. I was going to go visit Mr. Kim. I walked to the room we left him and entered. Mr.Kim was sitting in his chair peacefully asleep. I took one of the chairs from a different Side of the room and sat down. His features looked a lot nicer when he was asleep. Yes he was still beaten up but at least his face wasn't all serious. I was about to raise my hand to see if his skin was as soft as it looked when out of nowhere I heard him say, "starring at people is weird. You know that right." I jumped a little in my chair and he lifted up his head. "Um uh. Sorry I was just observing you." I could feel my face warm up slightly. "It's whatever better you then the other ones." "Oh yea. Listen I'm sorry about the others but you really must understand they are really protective and well you were trying to kill me so you can't blame them." Mr. Kim looked me in the eyes and said, "who says I'm not still trying to kill you." As he said that. He lifted himself with the chair and slammed into the ground. I jumped from my chair and ran to the door I almost reached when I felt two strong hand grab my waist, cover my mouth and slam me on the ground. With my screams for help muffled I was completely helpless. "Now let's see if your so happy after this." With one hand still on my mouth Mr. Kim took his other hand and started to choke me. I could feel my flow of air being constricted as I squirmed under him helplessly. But that's when I realized something. I wasn't helpless. I closed my eyes and focused. I could start to feel myself getting faint but I was still persistent. Finally I could feel it. I could feel the family feeling of the energy that surrounded us. But I also felt wet. So with my eyes still closed and my consigues fading fast I made my move. I was about to pass out when I felt Mr. Kim let go. It took me a moment to regain my breath but I was able to. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see the room glowing. I looked over and there was Mr.Kim. Thick vines were holding him up In a ball of solid ice. He was frozen in. I looked down and noticed that my body wasn't just glowing pink or blue but it was glowing both colors. I looked in the ice bubble in front of me and saw that my eyes were the same. A swarm of pink and blue swam around my purple eyes. But then I realized something. Even though he's trying to kill me I didn't want Mr. Kim to die. So with that I started to panic as I thought of a way to free him. I tried to focus on turning the ice back into water but I couldn't. Suddenly the room felt so hot. I was starting to sweat. It was getting hotter and hotter by the second and I couldn't stand it anymore. Moved over to the giant ball of ice and slammed my body into it to cool myself down. Upon impact I heard a sizzle and then boom. The whole ball of ice melted instantly and Mr. Kim fell gasping for air. Shivering and completely drenched in water he lay on the floor. "Mr. Kim!" I shouted in alarm. I kneeled on the floor and Mr. Kim looked up at me. He was crying. "You saved me. Even after I tried to kill you you still spared me." Mr. Kim smiled and with a sniffle he said, "you really are different from the rest." Just then the door slammed open as 6 men rushed into the room. "Xmorvor look out!" Jimin yelled. I could see him start to glow. Before he could land a hit. Mr. Kim jumped up from the ground. He managed to evade a bush of thick, thorny, vines. He sprinted for the window. I could hear the boys behind me all firing up there powers. But just as they shot them out. A loud sound of glass breaking echoed through the room. Mr. Kim has just jumped out of the window. From the 3rd floor. Of a castle that's 360 feet long. Everyone rushed to the window only to be surprised at the fact that he wasn't there. As if he had disappeared into the wind. Mr. Kim wasn't anywhere around. Of course this made the boys go crazy. They all started shouting, "guards! Guards!" So the rest of that day was spent with guards looking for Mr. Kim. *small time skip to later on in the night.* "Xmorvor, can i see you?" Jungkook called from the other side of my door. I got up from my desk and walked over to the door. Jungkook looked slightly disheveled. "Follow me." So we walked to his office. Once we entered I noticed all the other boys were there. "So it's been brought to my attention that you've been training with your powers." I looked at Jin and Jimin. " now I don't see that as a bad thing but, practicing without being guarded could get you killed." Jungkook death stared at jin and Jimin. "So tomorrow and over the next few days I think it's best if we all train you and help you unlock your powers." "Huhuuu! That's great!" I almost screamed with excitement. "Tomorrow you train with me." All my excitement vanished. "Ohhhh, ok." "Ok well then off you go. All of you. Go straight to sleep morvor, your going to need your energy." "Wait, did you just call me morvor?" Jungkooks cheeks quickly turned a nice pink. "Get out!" Laughing I left. I said my goodbyes to the other guys and headed towards my room. I couldn't stop thinking about Mr. Kim. How did he just disappear. I entered my room and laid on my bed. There I drifted off into a peaceful sleep thinking about the torture I would receive tomorrow and also thinking about Mr. Kim.

Whuzzup my blossoms!! 🌸🌸 sooo I hoped you liked the chapter! I'm going to start working on chapter 8 tomorrow! I'm finally getting my crap together😂😂😂 anyways it's night here and I'm tired😂 soooo goodnight or good morning or good afternoon to all of yalll. Love yusss!!

                            - love Ant V ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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