What Makes Him Beautiful

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Niall's POV
  Well, Simon rented a cabin up in the woods so we could all bond. I don't know why, but I felt kind of nervous. When I walked up to the cabin door I heard a bunch of laughing and other silly noises. I took it the other boys were already here so I just took a deep breath and walked in. They all looked at me as I stumbled in with my bags and guitar. I felt a little embarrassed so my cheeks were a little red. I looked back at them but Harry caught my eye. I don't know why but I caught myself giving him an extra long look. I quickly snapped out of it and smiled as Zayn walked up to me. "Here, let me help you out." He smiled as he grabbed my bags and went to put them in my room. I walked over to the boys, feeling more invited, and sat right inbetween Louis and Harry.

  Later that night we had all changed into sweats and shirts. We were all sitting around the fire pit outside and I was strumming songs on my guitar as the boys made jokes. Louis smiled at me before he playfully leaned over and gave Liam a smack on the cheek. "Oh come on! What'd you do that for?" Liam tried to get Louis back. That soon turned into a smacking throw down. As they were smacking each other and Zayn tried to break it up, Harry came over to me. I remained cool and kept strumming my guitar. He gently grabbed my hand and smiled. "Hey, you seem pretty good at that." I quietly thanked him. "I.. I could teach you how to play if you want." Harry nodded and let go of my hand before looking at the fire.

  Later that night, I was sitting in bed just strumming a few chords as I retuned my guitar. I heard a knock at the door before curly hair peeked around the door and Harry walked in. I smiled before patting the spot next to me. Harry quickly plopped down beside me and chuckled. "I'm ready for that lesson." I nodded before handing him the guitar and positioning his hands on the strings. "There, now just strum." I crouched down behind him, my chin on his shoulder as I watched him strum. He strummed for a few minutes before quickly setting the guitar down and pulling me over his shoulder so I was in his lap like a baby. I felt my whole face turn red and automatically covered it. He uncovered my face and chuckled before smiling down at me. "Now tell me, Niall boy, what are you so afraid of?" I tilted my head. "Oh, so you're not scared?  You're just shy, huh?" I slowly nodded before managing to sit up and move off of his lap. "Look, you should feel comfortable around us. We're here for you, Niall." I smiled and flipped my hair, trying to look confident. Harry chuckled and playfully nudged my shoulder. "Oh look at you, flipping around that beautiful hair of yours." I just smiled and looked down at the ground before gently nudging him back. "Haha, nice one. You should probably get back to bed." He looked a little sad but nodded before hugging me. "Goodnight,  mate." Harry exited my room and turned off the light as I tucked myself in and went to sleep.

  The next morning I woke up to a very soothing voice singing and Simon clapping happily. Wait.. Simon's here? I quickly got up and went downstairs. Simon was sitting on the couch as Harry was singing a song I've never heard before and the boys playfully dancing around him. As he spotted me he quickly pulled me to his chest and put a hand on my cheek, singing in a slow yet deeper voice than usual. "Baby, you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell. You don't know. You don't know you're beautiful. " He chuckled before going back to singing the last bit of the song to Simon. I just stood there and rubbed my blushing cheeks.

  "Harry, I love it. How'd you come up with this?" Simon looked at Harry as Harry proceeded to look at me. "I just found a little inspiration last night." Simon smiled before clapping his hands together. "Well, however you came up with it.. it's genius and I love it. Millions of teen girls with love it. This song's going to sell like hot cakes. Now work on it with the boys so we can get some parts down tomorrow." Harry nodded before Simon left. I smiled a little before looking down. I can't believe he wrote a song about me. Niall, what are you talking about? He'd never write a song about you. Nobody would write a song about me.

Liam came over and hugged my shoulder before walking me over to the guys. "Well, let's work on this." I nodded with him and we started to work on it. I must say I certainly was off through most of practice.  After a few hours Harry called it quits. "Good job,  guys." He walked over to me and rubbed my shoulder. "You okay, Niall? You don't look too well." Harry gave me a worried look. "I. . I'm fine. Don't worry." I quickly pulled away before going to my room and lying down. I feel bad like i'm blowing him off, but I just need to rest. I'm not feeling too well and wouldn't want to be a bother.

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