Knocked Out of Place

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Louis POV

  All the boys were going to bed, but Liam and Zayn decided to go out on the town. Months had passed since the big incident and everything was the same but different. I guess since I don't have anything to do I'll just watch a movie. I started to watch my movie right when I heard little ol' Niall screaming at Harry.  I turned around and saw him storming out of Harry's room.

Niall's POV

  "I hate you! You're such a pervert!" I crossed my arms going across the hall into my room. Harry followed after me. "Don't you dare fucking say that!  I'm a guy, Niall. What the hell do you expect?" I just shook my head and went to the window,  looking outside. "Niall, don't be like that. Look at me." Harry started to walk closer before I picked up one of my candles and threw it at him. I missed sadly because he dodged it. "Get out! You don't love me! Go back to looking at other boys!" Harry growled in irritation as I threw something else before snapping. "You know what? Maybe it's payback for when you were partaking in sexual activities with other men!" I just froze, staring up at him. "Niall..." I started to tear up.  "Niall, don't you dare cry." I shook my head before quickly going past him out of the room and grabbing my phone, going outside. I quickly called Zayn.

Zayn ' POV
  "Hello? Niall, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I can't stand when Niall cries. Hopefully it's nothing too serious. "Wait.. what? Harry hurt you? Niall, slow down. You're hurt. Okay okay. Don't worry, hun. I'm coming home right now." Liam and I quickly came home and I saw Niall standing in the cold, crying. He automatically ran to me and jumped into my arms like a child. I held him up as he wrapped him legs around me, rubbing his back. "Come on, Niall. You're okay. Stop crying. You're too sweet for that." I carried him inside up to my room past Harry. After a few minutes of comforting him he cried himself to sleep on my bed. I tucked him in before going downstairs. "Harry, what did you do to Niall? He said you hurt him." Harry shook his head. "Ugh! I didn't hurt him! We just got into an argument! He was throwing things at me! I swear I didn't lay a hand on him or anything.  I just kinda.. sorta.. brought up the incident." Harry looked down before I smacked my forehead. "Come on, Harry! You know how sensitive he is! You can't just say stuff like that to him!  Hell,  that would hurt anybody! And you better not lay a hand on him!  He's like a brother to me! You better fix this because I can't deal with him for days on end."

Harry's POV
  I nodded and sighed before going to Zayn's room. I picked up Niall over my shoulder and carried him into my room before tossing him onto my bed. I locked the door as he woke up automatically angry with me. "L-leave me alone. I want Zayn. Not you." He turned on his side, facing the wall. I shook my head before automatically crawling behind him after I shut off the lights. I started to kiss his cheek. "Babe, don't be mad at me. Give me kisses." I kissed his cheek some more but he started to fuss so I moved my hand down his boxer shorts quickly. "Look, Niall. I'm not about to baby you." I grabbed his member getting angry with him and started to stroke it. "H-harry,  no. I don't l-like being touched there." I kept stroking it as he fussed more. "I'm not gonna stop until you're not mad at me. He just shook his head and kept looking at the wall. I moved my hand before flipping him onto his back. I know how much he hated looking at me. I quickly pulled off our boxers before spreading his legs and slamming into him. Niall quickly let out a scream and made grabby hands up at me before just clawing into my back. I smirked down at him and started to pound him. He started to whimper before clinging onto me with him legs around my waist. I kept going for hours before just letting him cry on me and holding him close. "I-im not mad, Harry. I promise." He started to cry even harder as he sniffled against my bare chest. I nodded before slowly pulling out.

Niall's POV
  The next morning I woke up in Harry's bed under the blankets. He wasn't there beside me. I sat up and held the blanket over my bare body. I eventually got dressed and walked to my room, shaking a little. I slowly lied down and pulled the blankets over me. I sniffled quietly and rubbed my eye. I didn't feel good.  I was sore and I felt sick to my stomach. I slowly curled up, holding my stomach. I had never been sore before because of sex but this pain felt familiar. I just closed my eyes and let tears roll down my cheeks. What was wrong with me?

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